Alternative Care

Sugar is Responsible For Heart Attacks, Not Fat

Dr. Ken Walker, also known as W. Gifford-Jones, MD, launched a weekly medical column in 1975 and has been...

DR. APPIAH 17 Jun, 2021

Your Doctor Prescribed WHAT? Get Insight

Did you see the article called “Drugs doctors won’t take”? It was published several years ago now, and variations on that attentio...

DR. APPIAH 17 Jun, 2021

14 Simple Ways to Be Healthy

Health is wealth is an adage that most if not all knows well and needs to follow it. Proper diet and exercise are important. They both...

DR. APPIAH 14 Jun, 2021

How To Quench Thirst Without Water Or Food?

Hydrating foods for summer can be hard to stay healthy in summer and there are hydrating foods for skin for those who are beauty consci...

DR. APPIAH 13 Jun, 2021

7 Common Reasons Why Your Face Looks So Swollen

Swollen face can occur for various reasons. Face swelling reason needs to be known for proper treatment. It is ugly to have a swollen fa...

DR. APPIAH 2 Jun, 2021

Best Direction to Sleep – Healthy Sleeping Positions

Sleeping position direction guidelines are to be followed for good sleep. The best sleeping potion determines overall prosperity and hea...

DR. APPIAH 31 May, 2021

Stomach Pains: Why Do I Get Stomach Pains After Eating?

Stomach pain causes so much discomfort and various reasons lead to it. Overeating, constipation, hot and spicy foods are some of the cau...

DR. APPIAH 30 May, 2021 1

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