5 Powerful Home Remedies for Arthritis Pain Relief

Arthritis pain relief


Do you experience severe weakness and ache in your joints? Arthritis refers to inflammation of the arteries. Arthritis causes severe stiffness, which limits functional mobility and threatens to completely render our cartilage useless, particularly if don’t take a powerful action to fight off its symptoms. However, popping some over-the-counter pain killers or taking some gel caps won’t be enough to get rid of the pain and the stiffness entirely.

RELATED: Rheumatism Or Arthritis? Try This Powerful Herb

Studies showed that most nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, more commonly known as NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, can actually worsen the pain that they are supposed to cure. Moreover, the consumption of NSAIDs tends to reduce the impact of the natural healing process within the body by weakening the immunity, and even more shockingly, it actually increases the damage experienced by joint tissue as it completely destroys the digestive tracts, leading to symptoms of perforation or even bleeding.

Statistics revealed more than 50 million Americans are diagnosed with arthritis, and they are forced to deal with pain and stiffness on a daily basis. Here are 5 amazingly convenient and simple natural remedies to get rid of the awful pain and stiffness that is weakening your joints.

Home Remedies for Arthritis Pain Relief

Below are 5 home remedies for arthritis pain relief:


Home remedies for arthritis pain

1. Turmeric

If you can’t seem to cure away the pain with all the pain killers stocked in your medicine cabinet, it’s time to enter the kitchen and fix yourself a spicy turmeric-rich curry. For centuries, turmeric, a traditional Indian spice, aids in relieving the symptoms of arthritis, primarily joint stiffness, functional limitations, and the severity of pain. Moreover, it is an extremely delicious spice that will add taste to your steaks, soups and stews. (HEALTH BENEFITS OF TUMERIC OR CURCUMIN)

2. Ginger

For centuries, ginger has been highly regarded for its pain-relieving benefits, making it one of the vital remedies of ancient medicinal practices. Modern science reveals that ginger contains a powerful active ingredient, gingerol, which provides instant relief to ease out the tension from troubled joints and relieve the pain that accompanies it. Moreover, research highlights that gingerol has the very same anti-inflammatory profile as that of ibuprofen and other NSAIDs that prevent the actions of enzymes responsible for generating pain.

You can chew some freshly shaven ginger, sprinkle it over your casseroles, chop some and brew some tea, or bottle it up and freeze it for regular consumption. A soothing cup of ginger tea is the ideal way to relieve the pain, along with the stress that accompanies. All you need to do is shave off some slices and throw them in boiling water, allowing the contents to steep for at least 15 minutes before you pour out the tea in a cup.

READ ALSO: How To make Ginger Tea: Benefits

3. Tart Cherries

Cherries, when consumed regularly, can exhibit the same benefits that patients tend to experience from most common NSAIDs. Basically, these red delights aid in relieving pain by preventing the actions of the COX enzymes that initiate the formation of prostaglandins, which are inflammatory compounds.

Moreover, cherries are loaded with protective flavonoids and antioxidants, which give them their deep red colour, along with a powerful profile that fights against chronic pains and other symptoms that weaken your joints. For effective results, be sure to eat at least 20 tart cherries a day, or you can even chug down 32 ounces of cherry juice, which boosts a much stronger pain-fighting profile than six tablets of neuropathic pain medications.

The mighty anti-inflammatory profile of ginger has proven beneficial in reducing the painful symptoms of patients suffering with tendonitis, arthritis and bursitis, and it can also aid in providing relief from motion sickness, bad breath, gas, nausea and several kinds of allergies.
ALSO READ: Arthritis: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Complications, Treatment


4. Chamomile Oil Massage

You may have heard of the incredibly soothing benefits of chamomile tea, but truth be told, the benefits of this powerful herbal flower extend far beyond just a relaxing cup of tea. If you massage your aching joints with the topical application of chamomile oil, it will aid in eliminating the ache, along with cutting down your dependence on acetaminophen.

Research reveals that chamomile is loaded with flavonoids and terpenoids, which are naturally-occurring chemical compounds with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, along with a mighty pain-fighting profile.

chamomile oil benefits

5. Black seed Oil

Black seed oil has been used since the ancient days for the treatment of many illnesses not excluding arthritis. It helps soothes the arteries and also helps repairs any worn out tissues.

Uses: Massage the affected area with the black seed oil and leave it overnight. Do it until you get better.
ALSO: 23 Uses Of Black Seed Oil

Use these 5 great remedies for arthritis and you will be better.

Do not lose hope yet. Good health comes with responsibilities.


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