How to GIVE yourself Cancer in 6 Easy Steps

Throughout these years so many people have asked me how you get this disease and that disease. Yet, no one has asked me how to get cancer. So, I thought that I would supply all the information that you would need to get cancer, be it breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer or even something like leukemia.

By following the simple instructions that I am about to give you, you can give yourself almost any form of cancer desirable and if you pursue these strategies to their fullest potential, you can end up with several different forms of cancer all at once. So, let’s get started and learn how to give yourself cancer.

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How to GIVE yourself Cancer in 6 easy steps

If you are aiming for a raging case of cancer, the first thing you’ve got to do is start:

1. Consuming food ingredients that actually promote cancer


One of the most powerful cancer-promoting food ingredients of all is called sodium nitrate. This is an ingredient that is added to virtually all packaged lunchmeat products including hot dogs, pepperoni, ham, salami, turkey and other lunchmeats and similar products. You’ll also find it in bacon, sausages and other breakfast meats. It’s listed right on the ingredient labels of all these foods. In order to find sodium nitrate, all you have to do is walk around the supermarket, read the ingredient labels of the various package meat products and purchase those products that contain it. Then, consume them on a frequent basis and before long, you will greatly increase your odds of being diagnosed with cancer.

 Refined Carbohydrates

These include hydrogenated oils, aspartame, saccharin, artificial flavors, artificial colors and monosodium glutamate (MSG), just to name a few. A diet that is high in refined carbohydrates has also been clinically shown to increase your odds of being diagnosed with cancer, so be sure to get plenty of these foods in your pro-cancer diet. That means chewing down on white bread, sweetened breakfast cereals, white fluffy pancakes, candy bars, granola bars, cookies, crackers, malasadas and sweets of all kinds.


3. Take up a smoking habit

The more you smoke, the more likely you are to get cancer, especially if you’re eating cancer-causing foods and ingredients as discussed above. By smoking, you will multiply the carcinogenic effect of everything else in your life. Before long, you will succeed in your goal at being diagnosed with cancer.

ALSO: 16 Cancer-Causing Foods You Should Avoid! #6 Completely Shocked Me!


4. Get Exposed To Sunlight

If you would like to move things along a little more quickly, you can stay out of all sunlight and use plenty of sun block and sunscreen any time you go outside. This will prevent natural sunlight from touching your skin.

Now, how will this give you cancer? It turns out that natural sunlight is powerful prevention for cancer. People who get plenty of natural sunlight have a reduced risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer, breast cancer and many other disorders that aren’t cancer related such as osteoporosis and mental depression. By staying out of the sun or using sun block and sunscreen every time you’re under the sun, you can prevent your body from preventing cancer with each passing day. If you find it difficult to avoid the sun, just get a night shift job where you work all night and sleep all day. That’s hugely successful pro-cancer strategy.


5. Avoid all physical exercise

It turns out that moving your body helps you prevent cancer. Part of the reason is that body movement moves lymph fluid around, and this is an important function of your immune system that fights cancerous cells. If you refrain from all body movement, you will hamper your body’s ability to fight off cancer, thereby increasing your odds of being diagnosed with this chronic disease.

One thing to keep in mind in all of this is that everyone has cancer right now. In other words, there are cancerous cells in the human body of every person who is living and breathing right now, at this very moment. All you have to do to get diagnosed with cancer is to make sure that your immune system is sufficiently suppressed so that your body can’t take care of the cancerous cells on a regular basis.

READ ALSO: Link Between Cancer and Lifestyle

In other words, if you destroy your immune system function through poor nutrition, nutrient depletion, smoking, lack of sunlight and lack of physical exercise, then your body won’t be able to do it job of cleaning up cancerous cells around the body and as a result, cancer will become a full-blown disease in no time.

In fact, all of these strategies for giving yourself cancer have one thing in common: the suppression of your natural immune system.

6. Get Chemotherapy

Now, if you’ve been following along and don’t have cancer yet from doing everything mentioned here and you want to increase your odds even more, the very best thing you can do is actually get chemotherapy or radiation therapy. (READ MORE: Side Effects of Chemotherapy)

All you have to do is go to an oncologist and tell them that you think you have cancer and they may find some reason to put you on chemotherapy or radiation therapy. These therapies do such an outstanding job of destroying the human immune system that you might find yourself experiencing multiple cases of cancer at various sites throughout your body in the subsequent months and years.

Chemotherapy is perhaps the most effective method known to modern science for destroying the human immune system other than working at Chernobyl or Fuckushima during a nuclear accident. So, if you’re looking to contact cancer as quickly as possible, make sure that you get chemotherapy into your life as early as you can.

READ MORE: The Link Between Sugar And Cancer


By combining these strategies, you should be able to give yourself cancer without much effort on your part and without having to wait too long. After all, it would be a shame to die from natural causes and not have the opportunity to “invest” in the research and development efforts of the pharmaceutical companies who peddle anti-cancer drugs.


You might, at this time, be asking me “Why on earth am I writing an article that tells people how to give themselves cancer”? The answer is because virtually all Americans are following this plan right now, today.

They are giving themselves cancer step by step by using precisely the detailed plan that I have outlined here. And when they are suddenly diagnosed with cancer, they have a puzzled look on their faces and ask, “Gee, why do I have cancer”?

The answer is because they’ve been following the plan as outlined in this article – all the foods they’ve eaten, their lifestyle choices, lack of exercise, lack of sunlight, smoking habits and reliance on chemotherapy and other radiation western medical procedures has, in fact, accelerated their cancer and put them in the position they’re in today.

All I’ve really done in this article is describing the plan most Americans are already following. This is the pro-cancer plan that is actually promoted by brand-name food manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, and most of conventional medicine.

For example, how many doctors are still screaming for people to avoid sunlight like it was the plague?

Practically all of them, last time I checked. It’s almost as if the entire medical community actually wanted the population to get cancer. Sadly, the entire anti-cancer campaign of conventional medicine seems to be limited to three words: “Don’t smoke tobacco”!

Of course, most individuals aren’t really interested in contracting cancer. They’d rather prevent cancer or even reverse cancer. Now, after learning how to give yourself cancer, the process for avoiding it is fairly straightforward: don’t do any of the things that have been mentioned in this article.

That is, avoid smoking, get plenty of sunlight, get outstanding nutrition and avoid all food ingredients that are known to promote cancer such as sodium nitrate, hydrogenated oils, refined carbohydrates and chemical additives. Also, avoid chemotherapy since it is the most powerful way we know of to destroy the human immune system, thereby leaving you more vulnerable to cancer.

In all these, I am trying to give out the causes of cancer for you to be aware and protect yourself and your family.

READ ALSO: Why Aren’t Hospitals Treating Cancer With Black Seed Oil?

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