If You Eat 2 Bananas Per Day For A Month, This Is What Happens To Your Body

2 bananas a day benefits

Probably, there isn’t a person who doesn’t like eating bananas. Since they have a lot of benefits like nutrients, vitamins, natural sugars, and fibers, they are a lot of people’s favorite snacks.

What’s more, the apple adage applies to bananas as well- ‘a banana a day keeps the doctor away.’

However, what about bananas with black spots? A lot of people tend to avoid them and they rot. Nonetheless, did you know that the riper a banana is, and the more black spots it has, the more TNF it has? You are probably wondering what TNF stands for?

ALSO READ: Top 4 Uses Of Banana Peels On Your Skin

TNF or tumor necrosis factor fights against abnormal body cells. Moreover, it is very helpful in establishing communication between the cells of your immune response system. Additionally, TNF guides the cell movement towards the body areas which are infected or inflamed.

2 bananas a day benefits

One of the best things you can do for your health is to make bananas a part of your daily diet. They offer numerous advantages and these are only some of them:

2 bananas a day for 30 days benefits


Treat heartburn

Bananas offer relief from acid reflux and heartburn. Therefore, the next time you experience heartburn or acid reflux symptoms, eat a banana and alleviate the symptoms. (7 Foods that Help Heartburn Go Away)

Treat high blood pressure

Bananas are very helpful for people with high blood pressure as they lower their levels. (9 Dangerous Signs And Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure That You Should Not Ignore)

Provide energy


Eat a banana or two before you workout to improve stamina.

ALSO READ: 7 Health Benefits of Banana Tea: How to Make Banana Tea?

Fight anemia

As bananas are rich in iron, they are excellent for people who suffer from anemia.

Fight ulcers

If you have stomach ulcers, you have to follow a specific diet and avoid certain foods. You can always consume bananas without worrying about pain. Bananas are smooth and soft and they will coat the stomach’s lining. (Home Remedy For Stomach Ulcer)

Fight depression

If you suffer from depression and if you experience frequent changes in mood, consume bananas.

Alleviate PMS symptoms

Bananas are highly recommendable when women experience PMS symptoms as the bananas will decrease their stress and improve their mood significantly.


Temperature control

Bananas are excellent for the balance of temperature in the body, especially in summer.

Source: http://www.thehealthyspirit.org/eat-2-bananas-per-day-month-happens-body/#


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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous July 9, 2022 at 7:52 AM

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous October 20, 2022 at 5:40 PM


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous June 12, 2023 at 7:18 PM

    Thank you for keeping us informed Dr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous August 12, 2023 at 4:27 PM

    Thank you for informing us about these bananas once before they said the black spot is not good there's too much sugars nutrients are gone i

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