16 Cancer-Causing Foods You Should Avoid! #6 Completely Shocked Me!

Back in the day, people use to eat healthy, organic produce and grass-fed meat, because these were the only items that were available to them for consumption. Recent medical and scientific research reveals that almost every other food item that we commonly consume is linked with cancer, which makes it increasingly overwhelming to focus on creating a cancer prevention and healthy diet.

Most people believe that dietary sodas, canned tomatoes and low-calorie popcorns are the right choice for a healthy diet, but are they really? Some of our most favorite foods, and even fruits, can cause grave harm as opposed to the health benefits we believe they will provide.

In this article, we will walk you through the 16 most commonly consumed food items that have been scientifically proven to have a direct association with increases in the risk factors of cancers, along with recommending some healthier alternatives.

Here, take a look at the 16 food items loaded with carcinogens and chemicals that we commonly eat:

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1. Processed meats

Processed meats, deli varieties and cured meats, such as salami, sausages, bacon, ham, corned beef and jerky amongst others, are enjoyed and loved by us all, but their disadvantages are far more threatening than their taste, as their regular consumption can even increase the risk factors of cancer. You see, processed meats undergo cooking processes involving chemicals, preservatives and huge amounts of salt, which can cause excessive damage to one’s health.

A research, spanning over 13 years, revealed that 1 out every 17 people who consumed 160 grams of processed meats died. As compared to individuals who consumed 20 grams or even less, the individuals who consumed 160 grams had a 44% greater risk of developing cancer. These meats are lathered with preservatives and chemicals to give them a longer shelf life and make them appear fresh. Moreover, they are also brimming with popular carcinogens, which are also present in cigarette smoke. So why not go vegan and be free?

Processed meats causes cancer



2. Microwavable Popcorn

Microwave popcorns are such a convenient and simple trick for a delicious and satiating snack, right? Research reveals that these easily popped popcorns increase the risk factors of pancreatic, testicular and liver cancers.

Microwavable popcorn bags are laced with carcinogenic chemicals, and in fact, the popcorns also contain chemicals, which create the artificial flavors of butter and cheese. Instead of these microwavable popcorns, use the traditional stove top method, or perhaps invest in a kernel popping machine.

3. Hydrogenated oils

Hydrogenated oils are unnaturally extracted vegetables oil, which unlike soy, olive oil or canola oil, cannot be extracted without chemicals. These oils are widely used in restaurants, bakeries and in many food items in our own pantries, just to preserve items and give them a longer shelf life.


The consumption of hydrogenated oils is associated with birth-defects, heart ailments, cancer and other life-threatening ailments. It is important to pick out healthier oils, such as corn, coconut oil and olive oil, and be sure to steer clear of products prepared in hydrogenated oils. 

Hydrogenated oils causes cancer

ALSO:  How Bad Are Fatty Foods?


4. Refined Sugars

Refined sugars encourage the growth of cancerous cells and tumors, and alongside promoting the growth of cancer, they also increase insulin levels in the body. Majority of the packaged and store-bought sweet treats are rich in high-fructose corn syrup, is commonly associated with the risk factors of cancer.


5. Popular & Trendy Diets

Choosing the most popular and trendy low-fat diet might seem like the right decision to achieve your weight loss goals, but these diets cause more harm than good. For instance, a diet containing aspartame, found in artificial sweeteners, can cause multiple heart ailments, birth defects, and cancer. Be sure to pick out a diet that does not contain any processed, unnatural and chemically-engineered food items.


6. Canned Tomatoes

Tomatoes are juicy, succulently delicious and bursting with the cancer-fighting nutrient, lycopene-not if you’re consuming your tomatoes out of cans. Canned tomatoes are brimming with chemicals and preservatives, which cancel out the nutritional value of lycopene, and cause horrid hormonal disruptions across the body.

Tomatoes are natural acidic, and they are capable of soaking the damaging BPA chemical from the can lining, thereby transporting it to your body. The consumption of the chemical BPA is directly associated with multiple reproductive ailments, heart disease and various types of cancers. So, be sure to satiate your red sauce and salsa cravings with fresh farmed tomatoes.


Canned Tomatoes causes cancer

7. Alcohol

Alcohol consumption happens to the second major culprit behind cancers, smoking being the first one. Drinking is commonly associated with heart strokes, heart failure and sudden death.

Alcohol consumption can cause permanent and grave damage to the liver, esophagus, rectum, colon, mouth and it also triggers the onset of breast cancers.

8. Non-organic produce

Fresh fruits and vegetables are terrific ingredients for a healthy diet, but non-organically grown fruits and veggies are laced with pesticides, and contribute to the risk factors of cancer. For instance, majority of the farms across the US use Altrazine, a popular weed-killing pesticide, which has been banned across Europe for triggering terrible ailments across humans, including infertility.

Non-organically farmed vegetables and fruits are also exposed to hormones and toxic fertilizers, which make them bigger in size, and kill off their nutrients. Even if you wash for an hour, you won’t be able to eliminate all the pesticide residue. Experts strongly recommend against non-organically grown apples, strawberries, grapes and oranges.

9. Farmed Salmon

Fatty fish, particularly salmon, is one of the richest sources of the heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, amongst countless other health enhancing nutrients. However, 60% of the salmon consumed in American households is raised on farms, and exposed to chemical-rich diets. 

Farmed raised salmon and other fish varieties in the US are given artificial diets laced with pesticides, antibiotics, contaminated materials, chemicals, and asbestos, which is brimming with deadly carcinogens. This causes farmed salmon to be much fattier than freshly-caught wild salmon, making it richer in toxins.

Farmed Salmon causes cancer

10. Artificial sweeteners causes cancer

People commonly believe that eliminating sugar and choosing artificial sweeteners will help them shed weight, but it causes a great deal of harm instead. Adding artificial sweeteners to your coffee, sodas and beverages will cause you to gain more weight, and it is not the least bit helpful for patients struggling with diabetes. 

Artificial sweeteners contain aspartame, which is associated with the symptoms of gastro paresis, convulsions, and cataracts. Moreover, their consumption doesn’t allow you to monitor your daily calorie intake, as it triggers heightened cravings for sugar. Research reveal that artificial sweeteners trigger the development of DKP, a damaging toxic, within the body which creates cancer-inducing chemicals and brain tumors.


  RELATED: The Big Artificial Sweetener Lie - Research Found

11. Processed white flour

Eliminating white food items from your diet, particularly the heavily processed white flour, can help you lose significant amounts of unwanted weight. White flour is unhealthy, but processed white flour is even worse as undergoes processes of chemical bleaching using chlorine gas, which kills all the nutrients present in flour. 

When inhaled, chlorine gas can have life-threatening effects, and yet, we are happy to bring the flour exposed to this chemical to our dinner tables. Moreover, white flour falls higher on the glycemic index, and causes blood sugar spikes, along with raising your insulin levels, and contributing to the risk factors of diabetes. Sugar that soaks into the bloodstream encourages the growth of cancer-inducing tumors, so, be sure to eliminate refined grains for an effective cancer-prevention diet.


12. Genetically Modified Organisms

Genetically modified organisms, commonly known as GMOs, are one of the most dangerous food substances, which are directly associated with the risk factors of multiple chronic ailments. GMOs were introduced to the American food industry back in 1996, and after nine years, their connection with multiple chronic ailments rose to 13%.

It has been attributed as the cause of the increase in multiple allergies, autism amongst children, digestion ailments, and reproductive diseases. Scientists gave GM vegetables to rats, and the results revealed the development of horrid tumors. 

The GM bovine growth hormone, commonly found in packaged milk, is one of the greatest causes of tumors and chronic ailments. It is important to eliminate GMO-foods from your diet, and pick out fresh and organic, locally grown produce and food items that have not been processed with bio-tech procedures.


13. Potato chips

Crunchy and flavorful potato chips feel like the perfect solution for a quick and cheap snack, but this addictive and heavily processed food item can wreak havoc on your body. These are one of the most common fatty foods with a rich concentration of trans-fat, which contributes to obesity and heart ailments.

They also pack up heaps of artificial flavors, colors and preservatives, and alarmingly high amounts of sodium, which trigger high blood pressure levels. Potato chips commonly contain acrymalide, a popular carcinogen also present in cigarettes, which heightens the risk factors of multiple chronic ailments.

It is important to avoid picking out these unhealthy snacks for you and your family. If you must consume store-bought snacks, pick out pretzels, air popped popcorn or bake some kale fries.

 ALSO: 9 Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Breast Cancer

14. Red meat Causes Cancer

A tender and juicy steak always seems like a good idea. Red meat is harmful diet staple even if you consume it in mindful portions. 

Consuming of the processed red meat, commonly through hamburgers and fast food, ignites your risk of suffering from life-threatening cancers. Research reveals that regular consumption of hamburgers can increase the risk of cancer by 22% amongst men and 20% in women. Red meat is one of the leading causes of colon cancer. 

15. Smoked & Salty Foods

Smoked, pickled and salty foods are adored by everyone, but don’t let their scrumptious taste blind you from their heavily processed properties. These delicious treats are brimming with preservative nitrate, which converts into N-nitroso composites when it lands inside our body, and contributes to the high-risk factors of cancer.

Smoked foods, such as nuts or meat, absorb the entire smoke and carry the same tar to your body that is also found in cigarettes. The excessive consumption of smoked, pickled and salt-rich foods is directly related to the development of colorectal and stomach cancers.


16. Fizzy Beverages

Soft drinks, carbonated beverages and all liquids containing artificial coloring and preservatives are extremely unhealthy and the culprits behind multiple life-threatening ailments. Soft drinks are loaded with unhealthy amounts of artificial ingredients, preservatives, added sugar and calories, and they do not offer one iota of nutritional value.


Research reveals that one can of soda is brimming with around ten packets of sugar, and majority of the most popularly consumed sugary drinks and diet sodas harm the dental enamel with the ferociousness of battery acid. We all believe that having one serving of our favorite sodas every once in a while won’t hurt us, but that’s not true at all.


Caffeinated drinks causes cancer

Multiple studies have concluded that consuming only two sodas each week can increase the risk factors for suffering from pancreatic cancer at an alarming rate. You can pick out multiple healthier alternatives to sodas and fizzy drinks, for instance fruit-flavored water, fruit juices, smoothies and much more.



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  • Transforming Life Series
    Transforming Life Series April 21, 2021 at 6:01 PM

    Good job doctor

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