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Sleeping Without a Pillow: 23 Health Benefits Base On Research

Generally, parents always introduce pillows for their children to use while sleeping. Then we’ll get used to wearing them until we’ve b...

DR. APPIAH 11 Aug, 2021 1

26 Surprising Benefits of Alkaline Water

Nowadays there are so many products that offer water with a high pH, including alkaline water. Then what is alkaline water? Alkaline wa...

DR. APPIAH 10 Aug, 2021

23 Incredible Health Benefits of Black Pepper

Black pepper contains many health benefits. There are two kinds of pepper based on the processing: black pepper and white pepper. Black...

DR. APPIAH 9 Aug, 2021

Insulin Resistance & Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease is the  leading cause of death  worldwide. For decades, cholesterol has been vilified as the key factor...

DR. APPIAH 8 Aug, 2021 1

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