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14 Health Risks of Eating Ice Cream - Know Why Ice Cream is Harmful

In hot summer season, everyone has a passion to eat ice cream to satisfy thirst. When one is consumed, there is need to consume one...

DR. APPIAH 15 Dec, 2021

9 Cooking Methods that Make Your Food to be Toxic

When cooking your meals, you need to know which cooking methods will create these toxins in your food. How you cook your food is just...

DR. APPIAH 14 Dec, 2021

6 Effective Food Poisoning Natural Remedies: Ways To Treat Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is a health problem caused by eating contaminated food. It could be severe to the extent of leading to death. There a...

DR. APPIAH 13 Dec, 2021


I believe every problem has a solution the natural way, but it's all about a test of your patience. I've seen adver...

DR. APPIAH 12 Dec, 2021

This is The Hidden Culprit behind Your Arthritis Pain

The joint inflammation of arthritis is the chief culprit behind your joint damage, stiffness, swelling, and pain. Inflammation is at...

DR. APPIAH 12 Dec, 2021

5 Superfoods That Promote Long Life

Who does not want to live long? We all want to, though we will all die one day eventually. But did you know that some foods actually ...

DR. APPIAH 11 Dec, 2021

Research Shows How Paracetamol Causes Infertility - Does Paracetamol Affect Sperm?

Is it true that paracetamol affects sperm quality? There are many stories circulating around about how paracetol causes infertility....

DR. APPIAH 10 Dec, 2021

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