This Juice Can Treat Asthma Attacks Without the Need for Inhalers

This Juice Can Treat Asthma Attacks Without the Need for Inhalers

Recently, we showed you how to use lemons to treat asthma naturally. A typical respiratory infection is an asthma. Dealing with respiratory issues is challenging. The sufferers' physical suffering from them might be excruciating. It is an autoimmune condition that can lead to lung inflammation. Shortness of breath and weakness can be brought on by asthma.

A medical device known as an inhaler is used by people with asthma. But due to the ingredients, it contains, which include steroids, they may have potentially dangerous adverse effects. It's interesting to note that some people have successfully treated their asthma by using fewer inhalers.

A better alternative would be to consume a healthy diet and try to cure asthma in a natural and healthy manner. For that, you need to know which foods are allowed and encouraged to eat and which to avoid.

This Juice Can Treat Asthma Attacks Without the Need for Inhalers

The most important nutrient that is required for good lung health is Vitamin C and beta-carotene. As a suggestion, you can make carrot juice every day. Carrot juice is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C prevents infections and can also greatly improve lung capacity. Carrots and celery are the best foods that can naturally increase Vitamin C in your body.

Carrot juice recipe that helps to relieve asthma attacks


-10 oz. carrot juice (about 8 pcs of carrots)

-6 oz. spinach juice (about 2-3 cups of spinach leaves)


-Using a power juicer, extract the juice of carrots and spinach.

-Consume within 15 minutes after extracting juice.

-Drink 2-3 times a day, especially when asthma attacks are frequent.


READ MORE: 10 Top Benefits of Ginger for Asthma Treatments

Other Home Remedies To Cure Asthma Attack


-Put one teaspoon of honey, a pinch of black pepper, and a pinch of ginger powder in half glass of water and boil with all the ingredients. 

Drink it two times a day.

-Turmeric is a good antibiotic and very useful for respiratory diseases. Boil a pinch of turmeric in half glass of water and drink it twice a day.

-Olive oil helps to boost immunity. You may add one teaspoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm milk to boost immunity and avoid asthma symptoms.

-Boil five to six cloves in water and add one teaspoon of honey to make a decoction. It gives immediate relief from the cough.

-Garlic can help clear congestion in your lungs during the early stages of asthma. Boil two or three cloves in one-quarter cup of milk. Allow it to cool to room temperature and then drink it.

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