Say Goodbye to Scars: 9 Effective Treatments for Scar Reduction

Scarring can be caused by acne or by serious accidents that involve the deeper layers of the skin, resulting in permanent cosmetic disfigurement. The scarring has a negative impact on your confidence, morale, and self-esteem in addition to your outward look. Typically, the skin is regarded as the largest organ with a remarkable potential for regeneration. 

However, in specific circumstances where the deeper layers of skin are injured or destroyed, the risk of scarring increases significantly. If just superficial layers are harmed, the skin cells regenerate, and no permanent scarring results. Scars can be removed using both DIY solutions and medical care.

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Home Remedies to Get Rid of Scars


1. Cucumber Paste

Cucumbers are composed of almost 90% water and are known to make skin soft and hydrated with periodic use. You can obtain cucumber paste commercially from stores or prepare your own organic cucumber paste at home by this simple method:

  • Remove the seeds from the center and blend 3- 4 cucumbers with a few mint leaves and one teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • In a separate bowl crack an egg and beat thoroughly.
  • Take out the contents in a jar and add the egg.
  • Shake gently and apply the mixture to your face.
  • Let it dry for 20 minutes and wash the face with tap water
  • You will feel a noticeable difference in the appearance of your scars.

2. Lemon Juice

The alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) content of lemon juice has remarkable rejuvenation potential that is helpful in replacing dead, damaged skin cells with new cells that help in return the normal appearance of skin. In addition, lemon juice also acts as a mild exfoliative agent that helps in the process of regeneration and the bleaching action promotes the lightening of acne scars.


Use a sterile cotton ball to apply lemon juice on the scarred skin and make sure the involved area of the skin is fully covered. Wash your face with tap water after 10 minutes. Avoid going in bright sun if you have lemon juice on your face (and application of lemon juice may make your skin sensitive). If your skin gets painful or sensitive, avoid applying it for a few days.

3. Honey

Raw honey acts as a natural moisturizer that helps in fading scars and promoting the regeneration and healing of the skin. For best results mix the honey with baking soda (1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of baking soda) and massage your face for 3 to 4 minutes, especially concentrating on the scars. You can use a warm washcloth to provide deeper penetration and action. Once the washcloth has cooled down you can use it to wipe the honey and baking soda mask from your face. Additionally, you can prepare an excellent exfoliative mask by doubling the amount of baking soda (2 teaspoons of baking soda in one teaspoon of honey).

4. Turmeric, Yogurt, and Lemon Juice

Take a small bowl and add 4 to 5 drops of lemon juice, ½ tsp of turmeric, and 1 tsp of yogurt. Mix the ingredients gently and apply them to the scars. Remove it after 10 minutes. You will feel a significant difference in a few days.

5. Onion Juice

Onion juice has anti-inflammatory properties and also serves to stimulate collagen production from the skin which acts as a filling agent. Due to the skincare functions of onion juice, various manufacturers sell onion jells that can be used effectively on scars for maximal relief.

Onion juice or gel works slowly and may take months to produce noticeable effects (so you may have to be very patient with this remedy).

6. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel has a remarkable capacity to promote the regeneration of the skin. In addition, it induces a soothing effect when applied topically on the skin by reducing inflammation and swelling. It is available commercially in the form of lotions, gels, and ointments but it is best if you use it in the raw and unprocessed state. Make sure to apply the gel from the leaves at least 2- 3 times daily.

SEE MORE:Home Natural Remedies Aloe Vera for Wrinkles: Proof It Works (5 Homemade Recipes)


7. Tee Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has strong scar-removing properties that make it an ideal remedy to remove surgical scars and scars from acne and other skin diseases. You can dilute it with water to obtain maximum benefits and minimize skin irritation.

Warm a bowl of water and add a small amount of tea tree oil.

Prepare the soapy mixture and splash it on your face

Let it stay for a few minutes and wash it with tap water

You may experience mild tingling but that is normal due to the astringent action of tea tree oil.

8. Olive Oil

Olive oil is an excellent remedy for scars due to the high acidity and antioxidant functions of olives. In addition, it also contains essential rejuvenating vitamins like Vitamin E and Vitamin K that are known to promote skin healing and regeneration.

Take a small amount of olive oil in your palm and use your fingers to gently massage the oil all over your scars.

Rub gently and let the oil stay on your face/ scars for an additional 10 minutes

Wipe out with a moist cloth or wash your face.

READ ALSO:34 Proven Health Benefits of Olive Oil

9. Cica Care Silicone Gel

You can get silicone gel sheets or wraps from the shops to reduce the pigmentation of the scars. Use the gel either directly on the scarred area or (if you are using an adhesive, stick it gently to cover the entire scar surface). After a few hours, discard.

This gel is used frequently by surgeons and medical professionals to lessen the appearance of scars and skin discoloration due to its great potency and several advantages. Because it resembles adhesive tape, using it is simpler. One strip can be used for up to 28 days.


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