Top 4 Uses Of Banana Peels On Your Skin

health benefits of banana peels

Once the fruit is eaten, the next thing is throwing the peels into the trash can thinking they are useless. But no, banana peels are very useful and beneficial, especially to the skin.

Uses Of Banana Peels On Your Skin

Here are the amazing benefits of using banana peels for the body and this will probably make you change how you feel about the fruit.

1. It Treats Pimples

Banana peels are rich in nutrients and also contain some antioxidants which can help in combating and curing pimples.

It can be used by rubbing the banana peels on the affected areas for few minutes, then rinse afterwards. This can be done twice a day. The result becomes visible within a week. (How To Treat Pimples On The Face Naturally)

banana peels benefits

2. It helps reduce wrinkles

Banana peels contains antioxidants which can help keep the skin hydrated, hence, reducing the wrinkles on your face or any part of your body.

Mix a mashed banana peel and egg yolk together, then apply on the face, leaving it for about 5 minutes before washing it off. Finally, apply moisturizer to your face. This can be done thrice in a week and consistently for a month for result to start showing.

                       uses of banana peels

3. Relieving itchy skin

Banana peels are greatly recommended for itchy skin. The itching may be caused by mosquito bites and this can be used to relieve the itching.

Massage the banana peels on the affected area then leave for few minutes. You will be relieved in no time.

                        uses of banana peels for your skin

4. It helps reduce scar appearance

Banana peels, together with lemon juice can be used to reduce the appearance of a scar on your skin. Lemon juice is naturally acidic and this will help kill off any acne causing bacteria. It is also a bleaching agent which can be used to reduce the appearance of a scar.

Mix a mashed banana peel and lemon juice together, then apply on the scar, massage for few minutes and leave it for about 15 minutes. Wash it off with water.

Repeat the process daily for a month.

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    METHUSELAH James June 5, 2021 at 7:20 AM

    Amazing benefits ✍️✍️✍️I can't waste again the banana peels๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

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