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The Diet That Keeps You Young - Natural Ways To Look Younger Than Your Age

Do you want to be young even when you age? Do you know you can actually delay the ageing process? Few people talk about frailty as a maj...

DR. APPIAH 29 Apr, 2021

Pineapple Juice For Cough - Pineapple Juice Far More Effective Than Cough Syrup

A considerable number of people end up with a dreadful cold or cough because of negative climate conditions and different variables. Whi...

DR. APPIAH 29 Apr, 2021 2

How To Regrow Hair On Bald Spot Fast

We are going to talk about how to regrow hair on bald spot but let us first look at what alopecia is. What is alopecia? Alopecia areata ...

DR. APPIAH 25 Apr, 2021

How To Have shining Teeth

In 2015, Americans spent over $11 billion on teeth whitening, including over $1.4 billion on at-home whitening products. There a...

DR. APPIAH 25 Apr, 2021

Is Becoming Vegan Hard to Stomach?

So you’ve decided to go vegan. You’ve been hearing stories about how great everyone feels after switching to a plant-based diet.  Bu...

DR. APPIAH 25 Apr, 2021

5 Food Cravings That Can Signal a Nutrient Deficiency

Have you started craving chocolate so much that you dream of visiting the Hershey factory? Do you consider salt one of the major food gro...

DR. APPIAH 25 Apr, 2021

Never Do This to Your Ears - How To Keep The Ears Healthy

Most people are suffering from hearing loss and other hearing problems. Almost half of people over 65 have some degree of hearing loss. And...

DR. APPIAH 25 Apr, 2021

The D*adly S*cret Behind Heartburn Pills - Heartburn Treatment

We’ve warned you for years about the dangers of proton pump inhibitors (like omeprazole, lansoprazole, and esomeprazole) and other popu...

DR. APPIAH 25 Apr, 2021

Olive Oil And Alzheimer's Disease: Olive Oil For Brain Health

A lot of dollars have been put into Alzheimer’s drug research in recent years. So far, the effort has been a total failure. No medications...

DR. APPIAH 25 Apr, 2021 1

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