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5 Steps to Live a Healthy Lifestyle - How to maintaining a Healthy lifestyle

Are you looking for smart steps to live a healthy lifestyle? I guess you do. This article provides you with nothing but 5 steps to a ...

DR. APPIAH 8 Oct, 2021 1

The proper diet spiritually and why: How Does Food Affect Your Spirituality?

What you are about to read will literally blow your mind as it did mine when I first became aware of it. There are various scriptural q...

DR. APPIAH 7 Oct, 2021 1

Alternatives to Prescription Drugs: Natural Alternatives to the Top 4 Most Prescribed Drugs

Let’s look at the numbers: Americans spent more than $300 billion on prescription drugs last year; nearly half of all adults have take...

DR. APPIAH 7 Oct, 2021

Treating Alcohol Addiction – 6 Recovery Options For Alcohol Addiction

Do you need some tips on Treating Alcohol Addiction? Alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult addictions to stop. But there is ...

DR. APPIAH 6 Oct, 2021

Heartburn: 7 Foods that Help Heartburn Go Away

Most people experience heartburn mostly in the night and this is not a good experience at all. When experiencing heartburn, it may f...

DR. APPIAH 5 Oct, 2021

5 Precautions To Take When Going On Meatless Diet And Recommendation

Going on vegan diet and vegetarianism could help you prevent several health conditions. But there are some precautions. Eating more...

DR. APPIAH 4 Oct, 2021

The Health Benefits Of Guava Leaves

Guava, botanically known as Psidium guajava possesses good medicinal benefits. Most people know what the guava fruit can do to our heal...

DR. APPIAH 3 Oct, 2021

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