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10 Foods Not to Eat When Trying to Lose Weight

Weight loss is a battle many of us face. Many people jump on board with the latest diet trend or exercise routine, but the key un...

DR. APPIAH 22 Dec, 2021 1

Reasons Why Shouting at Teenagers Makes Them Worse

Middle-class parents who shout at their teenage children are increasing their risk of depression and troubled behaviour. Even if par...

DR. APPIAH 21 Dec, 2021 1

How to Get Rid of Cataract Naturally: Is it Possible To Treat Cataract Without Surgery?

Are you looking for natural ways to get rid of cataracts naturally? Worry not, because at the end of this article, you are going to ...

DR. APPIAH 20 Dec, 2021 1

7 Early Signs that You Have a Fatty Liver and the Natural Remedies You need to Know

At least 80 million Americans suffer from fatty liver disease, a buildup of too much fat in the liver cells, according to CNBC. It c...

DR. APPIAH 19 Dec, 2021

10 Effective Health Benefits of Mustard Seed

The mustard plant has accommodating constituents with different edible parts. The seeds are an amazing source of minerals like mag...

DR. APPIAH 18 Dec, 2021

Top 10 Foods to Reduce Joint Pain and Inflammation Naturally | How to Reduce Inflammation in Joints

Pain is often a symptom of inflammation, which is how your body reacts to injury. Joint pain and inflammation affects millions of adults acr...

DR. APPIAH 17 Dec, 2021

6 Best Foods and Drinks for Kidney Cleansing: Foods and Drinks You Need to Take Serious For Kidney Cleansing

The kidney is one of the most important organs in the body. It serves as the ''filter'' in the body and thus helps i...

DR. APPIAH 16 Dec, 2021

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