
High Blood Pressure: The Secret Ingredient Against High Blood Pressure

There are many natural means to tackle high blood pressure in other words hypertension. Sodium seems to get all the attention w hen it ...

DR. APPIAH 21 Jun, 2023

Top 5 Foods That Can Lead To Inflammation

You have no idea how badly your food can affect your body. There are a lot of things that we eat on daily basis, without knowing that t...

DR. APPIAH 19 Jun, 2023 1

The 6 Best Cancer-Fighting Foods You Should Know

Are you down with cancer? Are you still struggling to get foods that will help in “fighting” cancer? This article will help you with pro...

DR. APPIAH 23 Jun, 2021 1

Fast Food: Even ‘Healthier’ Fast Food Meals Still Have Too Much Fat and......

Popular restaurants have cut calories in children’s meals and are offering some healthier side dishes, such as fruits and vegetables, a ...

DR. APPIAH 20 May, 2021

Eating Fresh Fruit Daily Could Protect Your Heart

Eating fresh fruit regularly may help prevent heart attacks and strokes , a large study suggests. Adults who ate fresh fruit, such as a...

DR. APPIAH 15 May, 2021

Does Acidity Cause Cancer? Consumption of Acidic Foods; The Main Cause Of Cancer

Certain foods have their own downsides and most often the foods we eat are the leading cause of cancer. A long time ago we used to cons...

DR. APPIAH 2 May, 2021

5 Vegetables That Are Healthier Cooked - Benefits Of Cooked Vegetables

Vegetables provide lots of nutrients that help the body to function properly. Raw vegetables are all the rage among many health-consci...

DR. APPIAH 22 Apr, 2021