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7 Proven Health Benefits of Negro Pepper (Xylopia Aethiopica)

Negro pepper, also known botanically as Xylopia aethiopica is widely used in traditional medicine preparations. The recent trend sho...

DR. APPIAH 28 Dec, 2021

9 Powerful Health Benefits of Skipping Rope Daily

For those of you who like to exercise, you’re certainly familiar with the sport of rope jumping or skipping. This sport is one of th...

DR. APPIAH 27 Dec, 2021

7 Health Benefits of Turmeric for the Skin: How to use turmeric on your face for glowing skin?

Turmeric, the brilliant yellow zest utilized all through Asia for quite a long time, has been recently grasped by the West, not o...

DR. APPIAH 26 Dec, 2021 2

How To Relieve Chest Pains Using Herbs

Chest pain can be caused by problems in your lungs, esophagus, muscles, ribs, or nerves, for example. Some of these conditions are s...

DR. APPIAH 25 Dec, 2021

How to Block Phone Radiation? 11 Ways to Protect Yourself from Handset Radiation

There were more than 6.9 billion subscriptions for cell phones around the world in 2014, yet only 4.5 billion people have access to w...

DR. APPIAH 24 Dec, 2021

How to Relieve Menstrual Pain Naturally at Home

Painful menstrual periods are periods in which a woman has serious lower abdominal pain, sharp or aching pain that comes and goe...

DR. APPIAH 23 Dec, 2021

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