How to Relieve Menstrual Pain Naturally at Home

Painful menstrual periods are periods in which a woman has serious lower abdominal pain, sharp or aching pain that comes and goes rotationally. Although some pains during your period are normal, excessive pain is not. The medical term for painful menstrual periods is dysmenorrhea.

How to Relieve Menstrual Pain Naturally at Home

Why Are Period Cramps Painful?

Dysmenorrhea is thought to be caused by compounds in the body known as prostaglandins. Before menstruation starts each month, the level of prostaglandins in the lining of the uterus increases.

Your prostaglandin level is its highest on the first day of your menstrual period, which is why menstrual pain is usually worse then. As your period progresses and the lining of the uterus is shed, your prostaglandin level decreases and pain gets better, ACOG states.

How to Tell if Your Period Cramping Is Normal

Each girl or woman typically experiences a similar level of cramps from one month to the next, says Jackie Thielen, MD, an internist and women’s health specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. For some women, monthly pain is minor. For others, it can be quite debilitating.

SEE ALSO: How Can You Regulate Your Period Without Birth Control?

The main question doctors ask when determining whether your cramps are normal is “Are they normal for you?” Dr. Thielen says.

Can Bad Period Cramps Be a Sign of Something Else?

Period cramps usually don’t signify that something is wrong with your health. But in some cases they can be a symptom of a medical condition:

Endometriosis: This disorder occurs when tissue similar to the tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus grows outside your uterus, often adhering to your bladder, ovaries, or even your bowels.

Uterine Fibroids: These are noncancerous growths that emerge inside the uterine walls. They can range in size from one tiny speck to several bulky masses. (Uterine Fibroid And Diet: How To Shrink Fibroids Naturally)

Adenomyosis: Tissue that normally lines the uterus begins to grow inside the organ’s muscle wall.

READ ALSO: How To Treat Menstrual Pains Naturally

How to Relive Painful Period at Home

How to Relive Painful Period at Home

You can cure it using natural therapy, follow these steps:



1. Get 3-5 wonderful Kola ,ginger and garlic




   1. Cut into pieces.

   2. Add a bottle of lime orange juice 


Take 2 spoon 2 times daily for 4 days.

Use these remedies if you have painful period.

RELATED: 7 Excellent Drinks to Get Rid of Menstrual Cramps Fast
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