Health Benefits Limes and How to Use Them

Limes are a type of citrus fruit that are known for their acidic and tart flavor. They are typically green in color and are smaller than lemons. Limes are commonly used in cooking, especially in Latin American, Southeast Asian, and Middle Eastern cuisines, where they add a tangy and refreshing flavor to dishes.

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Limes are rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that can help boost the immune system and protect against disease. They also contain small amounts of other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B6, potassium, and folate.

There are several varieties of limes, including key limes, Persian limes, and Mexican limes. Key limes are smaller and more acidic than Persian limes, and are commonly used in desserts such as key lime pie. Persian limes are larger and less acidic than key limes, and are more commonly used in cooking and for making drinks such as limeade or margaritas.

Limes can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator, and can last for up to two weeks. They can be squeezed for juice, and the zest can be used to add flavor to dishes. Lime juice is also commonly used as a marinade or dressing for salads, and can be added to cocktails and other drinks for a refreshing and tangy flavor.

Also see:10 Health Benefits Of Banana Stem Juice

Health Benefits Limes and How to Use Them

Most of us gets confused with lime and lemon, but this one now is LIME, botanically called CITRUS AURANTIFOLIAA


Get one liter of natural lime orange juice and half liter of natural wild honey. Mix the two together.

Uses: Drink one shot of it three times a day, always endeavor to take it before meals. It should cure an average stomach ache within a week.

Learn more:Health Benefits Of Citrus Fruits That You Probably Didn't Know


Get all the seed inside a ripe pawpaw, get the bark stem of lime orange tree, get the seed of lime orange fruits, blend or grind it together. Put it inside lime orange juice.

Uses: Take two spoonsful before breakfast for adult. Children should use one spoon.


Get sufficient quantity of lime orange juice, grind wood charcoal into fine powder, get water that is inside coconut fruits in sufficient quantity. Get little palm oil. Mix it together. To form paste.

You can drink it with warm water or drink. 

DISCLAIMER: Always consult your Doctor before taking any medicine on your own.

Read more:How To Use Lemon Peel As a Medicine at home

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  • Unknown
    Unknown December 18, 2020 at 6:03 PM

    God bless dr

    • DR. APPIAH
      DR. APPIAH December 18, 2020 at 7:14 PM

      Ameeen... keep visiting for more health tips.

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