How to Treat Hearing Loss With Natural Remedy: Drops Of This in Your Ears And You Can Say Goodbye to Deafness!

How to treat hearing loss with natural remedy

Over time, every one of our senses starts losing its function, especially if we lead an unhealthy life. As we age, eyesight and hearing problems become pretty common regardless of age, gender or sex. If you have been dealing with hearing problems recently, we’re going to show you how to prepare a simple natural remedy based on garlic that will restore your hearing soon. Use this remedy for hearing loss treatment.

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How to treat hearing loss with natural remedy

Here’s what you need to do in order to treat hearing loss:


3 garlic cloves

Olive oil

A dropper

Cotton ball or gauze


Peel and wash the garlic well, then crush it and pour a bit of olive oil into the garlic juice. Put the resulting mixture in a dropper and leave it for a day. After 24 hours, put 2-3 drops in both ears and cover with a cotton ball or gauze so it won’t leak out.

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Repeat the process every day, and you will notice the improvements soon.

How to prevent going deaf

In order to reduce the risk of going deaf, you need to reduce your salt intake. Salt makes the body retain fluids that might have inflamed your inner ear organs, so make sure to stay away from it if you’ve started losing your hearing. Canned soups and processed foods contain a lot of salt, so make sure to read the label carefully.

Avoid sitting in areas with drafts, and avoid listening to loud music as well. If you live in a noisy area, we suggest going for soundproof windows and doors or using a pair of ear protectors. When mowing your lawn or working in a noisy area, use coated and cup-shaped ear protectors which can be bought from any pharmacy.

Using earplugs is necessary at concerts when the music volume is too loud. This will help reduce your risk of going deaf prematurely, which can be a debilitating and life-threatening problem.

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  • Unknown
    Unknown March 18, 2022 at 8:12 PM

    This is so great detailed information you pass across

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