Top 5 Juice Recipes For Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual periods can be quite uncomfortable and cause pain before or during the period. Menstrual pain makes household and school activities more difficult to perform.

Many women also experience difficulties at work during their menstrual cycle. If you did not know, menstrual cramps are the contractions of the uterine muscles causing pain. Preparing these juice recipes can help you relax your muscles and relieve menstrual cramps.

RELATED: How To Treat Menstrual Pains Naturally

Juice Recipes For Menstrual Cramps

1. Peachy Power Juice


Basil (fresh) -- 3 leaves(7.5g)

Carrots -- 14 medium (854g)

Lemon -- 1/2 fruit (42g)

Peaches -- 5 medium (750g)

Put all ingredients in a juicer and process well. Stir or shake and serve.

2. Pineapple And Carrot Juice

Pineapple juice is rich in bromelain, an enzyme that helps in relaxing muscle pain and cramps experienced during the menstrual cycle.


-Pineapple 1- 2 cup

-Carrots – 2 large or 3 medium

Put the pineapple and carrot in a juicer and process well. Stir or shake and serve.

3. Mix Power Juice


Apples -- 2 medium (364g)

Carrots -- 14 medium(854g)

Oranges (peeled) -- 2 small (192g)

Put all ingredients in a juicer and process well. Stir or shake and serve

4. Hear Beet Juice


Apple -- 1 medium (182g)

Beet Root -- 1 beet (175g)

Carrots -- 12 medium(732g)

Lemon -- 1/2 fruit (42g)

Oranges (peeled) -- 2 fruit (262g)

Put all ingredients in a juicer and process well. Stir or shake and serve.

Top 5 Juice Recipes For Menstrual Cramps

5. Water-Blueberry Juice


Basil (fresh) -- 3 leaves(7.5g)

Blueberries -- 1.5 cup(222g)

Cayenne Pepper (spice) -- 2 pinch(0.22g)

Lime -- 1/2 fruit (33.5g)

Watermelon -- 5 cup, diced(760g)

Juice all of them together and serve.

You just learned about 5 juice recipes for menstrual cramps so if you or any of your family members or friends complain about this condition, you can recommend any of the above recipes for them.

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