What foods have the best nutrients?

What foods have the best nutrients?

Plant based foods are more loaded with nutrients than anything else. Putting that in its proper perspective, what the body needs to function without any problem are the nutrients in the raw materials essential to the human body. Those nutrients are called the essential nutrients.

What foods have the best nutrients?

The body also needs vitamins. There are 13 essentials but 11 come from plants. The one that does not come from plants are vitamin D, and the other – B12 – comes from bee pollen. So, hanging out on the beach or in your backyard on a sunny day gives you the D.

Let me give you a funny B12 story. When I came to “Shitsville” (N J) about four years ago I had to get a primary physician. When I told him I was vegan, he said he wanted to check my B12 level, which is low on most vegans. So, I come back the next week for the results and the MD asks me how I can have a B12 level of 725? My answer: bee pollen is rich in B12 and I eat it regularly.

Plant based foods provide more immune boosting and cancer fighting nutrients than dead animal bodies, which are very low or devoid of antioxidants, but contain concentrated amounts of other nutrients like calcium and protein, which is higher and more readily available in plant based foods. These foods, rich in antioxidants, supply us with the vitamins, minerals and health promoting nutrients that we need.

What you may not know is that only plant based foods contain essential phytonutrients. So what? you might ask. The phytonutrients protect us from heart disease, cancer and many other serious illnesses.

So, how do we get those that we need? The minerals that we need come from the earth that make their way into the food supply through the plants or from eating dead animals that eat plants. Those plants that come from the dead animals gives us necessary fiber that binds the intestines with fat, cholesterol, pollutants, and disease causing hormones. To offset that, plant based foods are the solution. Also, the fiber consumed directly from the plants eliminates constipation.

What about calcium? Plant based foods are loaded. Bear in mind that osteoporosis is a disease that that comes from acidity, in which dead animals are loaded with. That acidity robs the body of calcium and weakens the bones. Also, plant based foods, which are loaded with starches, when combined with the calcium and modest exercise, preserves the skeletal strength and regains lost bone mass.

Understand also that plants contain protein and the essential amino acids needed to build the body and is way cleaner than the protein coming from the dead animals. The WHO (World Hell Organization) says that we need to get at least 5% of our calories from protein.

Rice gives us 8%, corn gives us 12%, a baked potato gives is 10%, pinto beans gives us 24%, broccoli gives us 43%, cauliflower gives us 33%, zucchini gives us 17%, oranges give us 9% and strawberries give us 8% and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Most meatheads consume up to 10 times as much protein that they need. It overworks the liver and the kidneys, causing them to become enlarged or injured. Not only that, but that excess protein lets the kidneys pull huge quantities from the body causing weakened bones and kidney stones. When the protein content of the body goes down the kidneys become stronger and heal.

Where does our energy come from? Carbohydrates! The carbohydrates regulate our hunger, give us fuel for our nervous system and brain, and again heals the kidneys and liver. Red meat has no carbohydrates and poultry, fish, the chicken’s period (eggs), and liquid fat (dairy) contain very little, if any at all. Without carbohydrate consumption, craving more food implements and overeating becomes rampant.

Last but not least, the plant based foods are loaded with complex carbs, which are basically long chains of sugar the must be broken down inside the intestines before they can be used as fuel. The digesting process of this is slow and provides a steady stream of fuel pumped into the bloodstream as long lasting energy, a high level of vitality and endurance.

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