Health Benefits of Apricots


Health Benefits of Apricots


Apricots are incredibly high in minerals and rich in beta carotene and are one of the most healing fruits you can eat. They are one of the best sources for organic iron, copper, and cobalt making them very beneficial for anemia, digestive disorders, and reproductive health.


Apricots are highly beneficial for autoimmune disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, asthma, lupus, colitis, IBS, and PCOS. They are also wonderful for keeping the heart strong and healthy as well as being a powerful weight-loss agent.


Apricot’s high concentration of beta carotene makes them an excellent food for disease prevention, especially lung, skin, and stomach illnesses. And they are very helpful in helping to regrow hair and improve the quality of your hair, skin, and nails.


Fresh apricots are always best, but when they are not available, dried apricots are a great alternative. Look for wild and/or organic varieties that do not have any preservatives such as sulfur dioxide.

By: Dr Chigora                                     

Health Benefits of Apricots fruits



Consuming two or three servings of apricots in a day has proved to be beneficial in preventing age-related Macular Degeneration.


Macular degeneration is a disorder of the eye and is one of the major causes of loss of sight in older people. It also helps in strengthening the optic nerves in your eyes.


It also lowers the risk of another major eye-related illness called Neovascular ARMD. The carotenoids and the various vitamins especially Vitamin A and Beta Carotene present in apricots are responsible for reducing the risk of developing this disorder.


The carotenoids and the various vitamins especially Vitamin A and Beta Carotene present in apricots are responsible for reducing the risk of developing this disorder.

Vitamin A with Carotene and Lutein prolongs vision in people suffering from retinitis pigmentosa and delays the loss of peripheral vision.

It is also considered an excellent remedy for alleviating dry eyes symptoms. In younger people it has been found to slow the progression of Stargardt’s disease- an inherited eye disease.

WRAP UP: Vitamin A and Beta Carotene in Apricots strengthens optic nerves of eyes and protect from macular degeneration and other eye diseases that result in complete or partial loss of vision.





Apricot, when ripened naturally, is a rich source of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are required by the body to aid the body’s natural functioning. Higher the amount of antioxidants in the body, higher is the rate of elimination of toxins from it.

Toxins are harmful substances that accumulate in the intestines and the digestive tract. Antioxidants also get rid of free radicals produced naturally in the body on exposure to oxygen.

Free radicals if not scavenged regularly, can damage the body on a cellular level.  Apricots have the capacity to increase the production of antioxidants.

They are also rich in carotenoids and other strong antioxidant phytonutrients. Apricots are rich in vitamin A content due to the presence of high levels of beta-carotene in them which is a precursor of Vitamin A.

Vitamin A is a strong antioxidant. Its presence is useful for the growth of cells in the body and helps in improving the immune system.

By optimizing the immune function, it leads to an overall improvement in the health of the human body.


WRAP UP: Apricot are rich in antioxidants and help in eliminating free radicals and toxins thereby strengthening the immune function.




Dried and fresh apricot is one of the best sources of dietary fiber. Though fiber is good for the human body, apricots contain a special kind of fiber that is, even more, beneficial.

Rich soluble fiber that dissolves quickly in the body; this helps in absorbing essential nutrients. It melts into a gel-like substance and helps in breaking down fatty acids.

Once fatty acids are broken down, they help in the excretion of digested food particles and the easy bowel movement.

The high amount of dietary fiber also helps in keeping you safe from gastrointestinal disorders. It ensures a regular emptying out of intestines and protects from constipation and constipation induced piles.


WRAP UP: Apricots have a high amount of soluble fiber which aids digestion function and protects from constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders.



The high amount of soluble fibers is also beneficial to the heart health.



The high fiber content is useful in reducing the LDL cholesterol content in the body, thus lowering your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

At the same time, it also helps you increase the levels of HDL cholesterol.

Consuming just half a cup of apricots every day is useful and beneficial to the health of your heart.

Potassium in Apricots further balances the electrolyte and ensures that the muscles of your heart work to the best of their ability and remain healthy.

The antioxidants stunt the age-related heart diseases and weaknesses.


WRAP UP: The antioxidants, potassium and fiber in Apricots optimize the health of entire cardiovascular system including heart.



Fruits like apricots and those belonging to the same family are high in potassium content.

Optimum levels of potassium are extremely beneficial to your body.

When potassium combines with sodium or salt, it regulates the water levels within and between cells. This water or fluid is called electrolyte and is responsible for carrying neuro-transmissions.

Potassium is also required to keep the blood pressure levels stable.

Deficiency of potassium is known to be deterrent to the body as it increases the possibility of developing hypertension.

Hypertension, in its most severe forms, can lead to the possibility of heart attacks.

Eating half a cup of apricots is enough to give you a whopping 21% of your required potassium intake every day.


WRAP UP: Potassium in Apricots maintains electrolyte balance, optimizes the blood pressure and reduces the chances of hypertension led stroke.



All the plant items that contain iron include the type that is called Non-heme iron. Most of the dry fruits contain this type of iron.

The specialty of this iron is that the body does not readily absorb it. This way the amount of unabsorbed iron stays for a longer period in the body and is more efficient when absorbed slowly.

For better absorption, however, one can consume this with any other sources of Vitamin C.

The iron content in apricots is helpful in preventing you from developing anemia.

Anemia is a common blood-related condition wherein blood contains a lower level of Red Blood Corpuscles and hence, a lower level of hemoglobin content in the body.

It is often characterized by dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea and inability to carry out day to day activities due to persistent tiredness.

According to the World Health Organization, it is one of the most severe forms of nutritional disorders in the whole world.

Young girls and especially the women are more prone to developing anemia than men because they lose blood every month during menstruation.

Loss of blood also indicates loss of iron content and nutrients.


WRAP UP: Apricot contains non-heme iron which gets absorbed slowly, gradually and much more effectively thus protecting from Anemia.





Free radicals in the body are harmful and attack the DNA structure at cellular level causing abnormal growth of cells.

Free radicals inhibit the natural course of cell growth and in long term invade the healthy cells and destroy them as well.

The production of free radicals is a direct result of some molecules’ reaction with oxygen. Antioxidants are essentially body cleansing compounds that control these free radicals.

The rich levels of antioxidants in apricots are helpful in lowering your risk of developing cancer. In fact apricot kernels better known as its seeds have been found to kill cancerous growths without apparent side effects.

Antioxidants in the body keep it clean from free radicals. It thus saves the body from many different types of cancers, including cancers of the lungs, esophagus, and the larynx.

WRAP UP: Rich content of antioxidants in apricots lend it cancer inhibiting properties that controls and prevents the growth of cancerous cells in the body.



The high level of antioxidants like Vitamin A, Vitamin C and phytonutrients in apricots are highly recommended for maintaining skin health.

The antioxidants in apricots slow down the process of aging by facilitating faster cell production that replaces the layer of dead and worn out cells.

It renews the skin layers and removes the fine wrinkles giving your skin a taut appearance.

Vitamin A also ensures that the skin is free from acne and other such general skin problems.


WRAP UP: The antioxidants in apricot make skin youthful, healthy and delay the appearance of ageing on face.



The high amount of dietary fiber that the apricot fruit is gifted with is useful for those people who are looking at losing a few kilos.

High fiber content improves the digestive and excretory systems in the body and helps improve the rate of metabolism.

To add fantastic character, apricot also contains an extremely small amount of calories.

Apricots can restore the electrolyte balance and fill your stomach without adding the calories that eventually build up the weight of the body.

WRAP UP: Fiber, low calories and mineral content of apricot make them an ideal for people on strict diet and facilitates the weight loss as well.




Apricots are rich in calcium and potassium content. The body requires calcium in bone formation and bone development.

Lack of calcium leads to a disorder of the bones called Osteoporosis. The high calcium content is thus useful in the keeping of bone health and saves you from brittle bones.

However, one essential mineral that regulates the absorption, distribution and excretion of calcium in our body is Potassium.

Without potassium, all calcium that you consume and calcium contained in the bones would be released in blood stream eventually getting evicted from the body. It will not only affect the bone health but will also choke the bladder that purifies the blood.


WRAP UP: Apricots maintain strong and healthy bones owing to their calcium and potassium content.



Proper functioning of the cells requires a good balance of the electrolyte levels in the body. The electrolyte is required for transporting ions and neurotransmission from brain to rest of the body and back.

It also maintains a stable fluid level that is necessary for proper expansion and contraction of the muscles.

Apricots contain a healthy level of potassium and a moderate quantity of sodium.These are essential minerals required by the body to optimize the electrolyte levels in the body.


For more information please contact

Dr Chigora

+263775 271794

+263737 221 694


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