14 Constipation Home Remedies
Good News! There are many natural home remedies for constipation – non-toxic ways to help regulate your bowel movement. Below you will find Top 15 Constipation Home Remedies that are 100% natural. I tried various natural remedies for constipation, some have worked better than others. I hope this home remedies for constipation will work for you! Please incorporate two or more of the Top 14 constipation home remedies in your daily lifestyle and let me know what remedy works best for you!
Home Remedies for Constipation
1. Water
Staying hydrated helps us digest faster and easier. A big part of your body is made of water. So, it’s rather obvious that water should help, fight constipation! I recommended that you drink 1 liter of water early in the morning. This will help wash down food that is left in your system to the stomach. The hard stool in your stomach will loosen up and this should help clean out bowels. But how much water do you need to drink for a whole day? That depends on each individual needs.
2. Fibers

Fiber is a natural laxative, it helps to digest faster and smoother. Eating fiber-rich food will help your bowel movements. Try eating more broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, green leaves, beans, and legumes.
3. Vegetables
There are many vegetables that are high in fiber that can help regulate your gut. Eating more of these vegetables will help you reduce constipation. Best way to consume these vegetables is raw or half cooked. If you need to cook the vegetables, the best way is to steam them. Then they will keep most of their vitamins and minerals.
4. Fruits

5. Prune Juice

Prune juice is a natural and effective remedy for constipation. Prunes are rich in fiber and have the natural laxative sorbitol. Speaking of experience it’s important to give it some time for the prunes to do their magic. We might think they are not working and drinking more prune juice. This can cause us to get bloated and diarrhea. Most pharmacies sell special prune juices (that are sweetened) for children to help with constipation.
6. Olive Oil
Olive oil helps the food flush down the digestive tract easier and faster. Try taking 2 teaspoons of olive oil early in the morning. If you have problems with the taste, wash down with some water. But wait at least 5 min before doing so.
7. Exercise
Regular exercise stimulates digestion and helps with more frequent bowel movements. It also helps to reduce excessive gas that is making you feel bloated.
Yoga is an effective remedy for constipation. There are exercises in Yoga that deals specifically with constipation. Yoga has other health benefits too. Like helping to calm the inner body and mind!
9. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a natural laxative that rinses your internal intestines from bad toxins. To help your bowel movement get started in the morning try to drink tea with lemon juice.
10. Almond Oil
Almond oil will lubricate your intestines. Making it easier for the food to flush through to the stomach and for the stool to easier slip out. Try eating one tablespoon of almond oil first thing in the morning. If It´s difficult to swallow (because of taste) try mixing it with a little water.
11. Magnesium
Magnesium helps to digest food faster along the digestive intestine. Eating food rich in magnesium should help with your bowel movements. So try eating magnesium-rich food like whole grains, beans, fish, leafy vegetables, dark chocolate, nuts, and avocado.
12. Coffee

This is a remedy that works very well for some people. My husband is one of these “lucky people”. Drinking black coffee in the morning can help your bowel movement. My husband has an expresso early in the morning before anything else, 3 min afterward he is running to the toilet.
13. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a natural laxative. Try in the morning adding 2 tablespoons of ACV into a warm cup of water and drink it. This remedy should help your bowel movement.
14. Intolerance to Dairy
Some people might be intolerant to a specific food that is causing the gut to be unbalanced and this, in turn, is causing constipation. Many people are intolerant to dairy. If you think you are lactose intolerant, try not to include it in your diet for one or two weeks and see what happens. If you are not constipated anymore, you solved the problem!