Multiple And Incredible Nutritional Facts About Mango Fruit


In summer season, we wait for sweat, delicious, pleasing aromatic mangoes. Mango is native of sub- continent and southeast Asia and now it is cultivated throughout the world.

Mango is a ‘’king of fruits’’.  Mango is a gift of warm weather in tropical regions, due to this reason it is called tropical fruit, so its nutrient has best treatments regarding seasonal health problems.

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In hot weather mango protects from heat stroke and skin inflammation. Mango possesses multi-faceted and bio-chemical actions and health enhancing properties. Modern researches promote  its nutritional properties. Mango is beneficial for all age groups, it can easily add in our daily diet. Benefits of mango depend on one’s metabolism and physical activities.

In traditional medicine the different parts of the mango tree [fruit pulpextract of fruit kernel, leaves and stem bark] are used for our health properties.

Mango fruit has hundreds of varieties, each having its own characteristic taste, shape and size. Different appealing colors from red to yellow, green to yellow, orange- red, crimson red ,these  colors are found in ripe fruits. It has Green color in unripe form and sour in taste. These colors depend on its varieties. Mango is very pulpy, juicy and delicious in taste.

Nutrients of mango based on minerals, dietary fiber, diabetic friendly sugar content, great source of vitamins A, C, E, B6, anti-oxidants, anti -inflammatory, as well as anti- cancer alimentary benefits.

A Full Pack Of Vitamins, Which Make It An Immunity Booster

Mango also supports digestive system. It is a low in calories but great source of energy. Nowadays science promotes the organic fruits and vegetables to boost and protect immune system.

This article throws light on the nutritional facts about mango.

Mango Prevents Constipation

Dietary fiber helps to control irritable bowel syndrome, that effects the large intestine. 20 percent of Americans use laxative anti constipation medicines.  There is a magical mango fruit which may treat very well of bowels regularity.

Constipation is known as a mother of diseases .its pulp is full of fiber that gives relief from this problem. Improves the digestive system due to its high dietary fiber content . Fiber also  keeps control blood sugar level,  lowering cholesterol as well.

Its fiber content supports digestive system. Mango contains digestive enzymes , this type of enzymes break down the complex carbohydrates into simple sugar. Polyphenols  in mangoes improve digestive process.

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It may reduce blood pressure and kidney stone because it contains potassium.

A Full Pack Of Vitamins, Which Make It An Immunity Booster

Mango also supports digestive system. It is a low in calories but great source of energy. Nowadays science promotes the organic fruits and vegetables to boost and protect immune system. Amount of potassium and  protects against stroke, prevents osteoporosis and reduce symptoms of depression and water retention.

Anti- Cancer Properties

According to many studies polyphenols in mangoes exhibit anticancer activity. In another study phytochemicals contained in mango play an  anti- inflammatory effect in several chronic pathological disorders associated  with inflammatory responses.

Inflammatory bowel diseases, primarily including ulcerative colitis disorder that are characterized by chronic inflammation and mucosal damage in large intestine. This is associated with an increased risk of colon and rectal cancer. Add one cup of this awesome seasonal fruit in your diet may reduce many problems.

Bioactive components contained in different parts of mango have shown anticancer activity in different  tumor cell lines like breast cancer , prostate cancer and colon cancer. Polyphenols   compounds that function as anti-oxidants. bioactive compounds also have been reported  to exert ant-diabetic effects.

It is used  in many ways in off season such as nectar , pickles, jams , jellies. Desert, milkshakes,smoothies, fresh salads can be enjoyed in summer.

Actually vitamins of mango have anti- aging  properties.

Mango Is A Naturally Great Source Of Essential Vitamins

Vitamin C retain water level in summer, and helps to absorb calcium in bones. Vitamin C protects body from sickness in summer. Its keeps the body cool from the excess heat. It is a natural defense against inflammation, may reduce blood pressure.

But there is one thing to remember that mango can use as a food supplement.  vitamin c is  not a treatment  or not substitute for people with high blood pressure issue. Vitamin  and A, which are  also important for hair health.

Aids Both Weight Loss And Weight Gain

According to many nutritionists ,mango is  fat free, cholesterol free, and salt free, its dietary fiber keeps stomach feels full. Furthermore, if mango is eaten with calorie limit, there is no reason to gain weight.

Just need to maintain portion control. Excess of everything is bad, midway is a right way. As for weight gain, mango will not by itself  cause a weight gainer. When we can use it in milkshakes it is a way to weight gain and need to increase its portion size.


Best of all mango is enrich with vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, dietary supplements and digestive friendly enzymes. As mentioned above due to its superior properties mango is called 'king of fruits'. You should enjoy the mangoes in summer without delayed a minute Indigestion is found in excessive intake of mango. Artificially ripening of mangoes can cause of allergies.After eating mangoes take one glass of skimmed milk to multiply it is good effects.


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