What Causes Breast Pain?

Breast pain is a common problem in women who are having periods (menstrual cycles). It is less common in older women. The pain can be in one breast or in both. It may come and go each month, or it may last for several weeks, or even months.

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What causes breast pain?

Many things can cause pain or tenderness in your breasts. Here are some of them:

  • Hormonal changes during your period
  • Water retention, which may happen during your period
  • Injury to your breast
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding (nursing)
  • An infection in the breast
  • Breast cancer (not a usual cause of breast pain)

How is breast pain treated?

There are different treatments for breast pain depending on what is causing it. You and your doctor can talk about these treatments and choose one or more that might work for you. Here are some possible treatments for breast pain:

Wearing a support bra

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Other treatments for breast pain are sometimes used. However, there is no proof that these treatments work:

  • Avoiding caffeine
  • Using less salt
  • Taking vitamin E or vitamin B6
  • Taking a diuretic

Most of the time, breast pain goes away on its own after a few months.

If you have breast pain that lasts for a long time or keeps coming back, it's probably a good idea to talk to your doctor about it.

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