23 Sugarcane Juice Benefits for Health Will Surprise You

We looked at the health benefits of sugarcane for pregnant women some time ago, our focus is on the overall health benefits of the plant. Actually, this is not big information anymore that sugar is made from sugarcane. Did you know that there are many sugarcane juice benefits for health?

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It is not advisable of old people to consume everything that is sugary, containing glucose and other compounds such as sugarcane because it can make diabetes getting worse. Well, this information is not wrong at all but there are the other facts that we should know about sugarcane.

Sugarcane contains octaconasol, sort of long chain alcohol which lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. Besides that, octaconasol also inhibits plaque pile vessel wall cells, even for the protection of the blood protein oxidation. Then, how if someone has diabetes as well as high cholesterol? Actually, we have no words to say. Because diabetics have to know that cholesterol levels in the blood can be reduced and controlled by octaconasol. The most surprising is without side effects. Then, what should we do?

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You should not worry about that anymore since the consumption sugarcane juice is safe for diabetics. Besides octaconasol, Sugarcane also contains another compound namely policosanol. It can decrease production of cholesterol in liver. Low Density Lipoprotein can be breakdown by policosanol.

This bad cholesterol can do nothing for damaging our body if we consume 10 mg policosanol per day. Moreover, through this process, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) will increase till 11,3%. It is protein in blood plasma. Damage in our body and bad cholesterol can be repaired by HDL. So, we can say that HDL is good fat or good cholesterol.

Nutrients In Sugarcane

Phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium are mineral contained in sugarcane juice. It has vitamins too. There are Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A. But, what are the actually compound of good nutrients in sugarcane base 1 (one) cup?

Source of Nutrients Contains

1 Potassium 163 mg

2 Calcium 32,56 mg

3 Carbohydrate 27,3 mg

4 Sugar 25,8 mg

5 Magnesium 2,45 mg

6 Iron 0,56 mg

7 Niacin 0,3 mg

8 Protein 0,23 mg

9 Water 0,2 mg

10 Riboflavin 0,17 mg

11 Fat 0,07 mg

12 Panthothenic Acid 0,07 mg

13 Mangan 0,07 mg

14 Copper 0,05 mg

15 Phosphor 0,02 mg

Thus, what’s the sugarcane juice benefits for health?

Benefits of Sugarcane Juice

What are the benefits of sugarcane? Let’s check them out!

1. Anti-Diabetic

It does not make sense, does it? It is hard to receive by simple logic. How could sugarcane be anti-diabetic? While we know that diabetics always worry about consuming anything sweet and sugary. Well, just be calm guys! May the explanation below can be the best solution. Why?

This is the answer:

According to Dr. C.J. Sogiharjo ApT. from Faculty of Pharmacy University of Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He stated that sugarcane juice actually has anti diabetic effects since sugarcane contains Sakaran. Like Superman, Sakaran is the krypton for diabetes. Unfortunately, this substance compound of sugarcane will disappear when it is processed into sugar which is caused by the heating process. While another compound, Sakarosa as diabetic originator compound can get away from that process. Sakaran is the differentiator between sugar and sugarcane juice.

Sugarcane juice is a natural sweetener, it is not endanger and not disease trigger. Whereas sugar is artificial sweeteners made from sugarcane, it has more harmful compound than sugarcane. (READ MORE: Diabetes Diet: Top 9 Healthy Foods for Diabetic Patients)

2. Maintain Brain Health

Sugarcane juice has much carbohydrate contents. It is beneficial to maintain brain health. We can get the benefit by consuming sugarcane juice in fresh. READ ALSO: What Sugar Does to Your Brain - Effect Of Sugar On Your Brain

3. Against Inflammation and Analgesics

Mouse is used to help in this part, where the sick mouse is giving mixture of fatty acids isolated from sugarcane juice. First, a mouse is put on hot plate and then given acetic acid. The mouse is not twist or thrashing but being quiet, and then the mouse drinks the liquid. To prevent from inflammation and analgetic, phelonic and flavonoids, sugarcane juice can keep our body from its effects.

4. Heart Health

Consuming sugarcane in fresh condition gives many benefits. Carbohydrate which is contained in sugarcane is pretty good for heart health. 

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5. Treats Breast Cancer

Let’s fight for cancer! People fight against cancer by consuming sugarcane juice. Powerful antioxidant which is contained in sugarcane will mix the mineral from other foods. All kinds of cancer cannot fight with this process because powerful antioxidant in sugarcane is super effective for reducing cancer risk, especially breast cancer risk. The most important is, this resistance does not cause any side effects. Sugarcane with phytochemical substances will not damage anything inside the body.

Another compound in sugarcane is alkaline. It is capable of dealing with breast cancer. Pure sugarcane must be consumed regularly, maybe once in three days, once a week. Alkaline in sugarcane juice also can prevent colon cancer, lung cancer and all kinds of cancer. READ MORE: 9 Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Breast Cancer

6. Treats Prostate

In the discussion above, we might notice that alkaline is used only for woman, but it is not at all. Alkaline in sugarcane is also helpfully for man. With alkaline, say no to prostate. Just use the same way as before, start with make your own schedule for drinking pure sugarcane regularly. ALSO: How To Shrink Prostate Naturally

                     sugarcane juice health benefits

7. Strengthen Gums and Teeth

Use lime juice, salt, and pure sugarcane juice for helping to strengthen gums and teeth. Because it has very high mineral that super effective for overcome tooth decay. Mineral in sugarcane also can against bad breath. Bad breath needs special enzyme to reduce it, and sugarcane has the compound which is needed. Take and drink it in routine time will make your teeth whiter and also can improve the health of your teeth.

8. Kidney Health

Pure sugarcane has much carbohydrate that helps us to get healthy kidney. It will clean the kidney from inside.

Kidney stones are due to dehydration. There is no way to avoid kidney stones if the body doesn’t get energy from protein sources. As what we said above, sugarcane can clean the kidney from inside. It helps for filtering all fluids inside, including blood and water.

The compound of sugarcane that can treat the kidney is alkaline. So, to hydrate back the body by using sugarcane juice, consume it routinely. At least, drink sugarcane juice twice a week. This will help reduce risk of this disease.

Alkaline is one of natural ingredient in sugarcane juice that “finish” kidney stones.

READ MORE: 11 Foods to Avoid If You Have Bad Kidneys: Kidney Health

9. Overcome Nosebleed

Use piece of sugarcane for nosebleed. Take the top of sugarcane and boil in boiling water. Then, add little salt and brown sugar. After it is cold, strain and drink. Thus, there are many sugarcane juice benefits for health.

10. Healing Jaundice

Yellow pigmentation of the skin and membranes can be healed by sugarcane juice. The presence bilirubin in blood is reason of this disease. That causes the decreased of liver function. But, do not bother it too much because sugarcane juice actually can help. Like shut down button in computer, sugarcane is able to restore and maintenance the power of the liver function.

11. Overcome Colds and Flu

Three leaves of sugarcane are boiled with water as we need. After boiling, strain and drink. Do that at least three times a day. We need to share this fact because many people think that sugarcane juice will aggravate sore throat. That is absolutely not true. Besides sugarcane can make colds and flu thrown away, it also can heal sore throat.

12. Healing Stroke

Drinking fresh and pure sugarcane juice can take care of body metabolism from lack of fluids because of activities. This part can help for healing stroke. READ MORE: One Month Before Stroke Your Body Will Send You These Warning Signs

13. Infection Healing

For anyone who has trouble with urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and inflammation of stomach (constipation and diarrhea). Do not be worry anymore! This information is good news. A cup of sugarcane juice is the solution.

Potassium is very high number content contained in sugarcane juice. Health condition will stay well with it because our body needs potassium for control nerves and muscles. After consuming sugarcane juice, there is no worry anymore about any types of infection, especially stomach infectious diseases. Take our time to consume it routinely, it will overcome others complaints like constipation and diarrhea. As additional way, phelonic and flavonoids in sugarcane juice can keep our body from infections effects.

14. Overcome Cough

Drink black sugarcane juice from squeezing five segments.

15. Relieve Body Heat (Fever)

Pure black sugarcane juice, if it drinks in regularly it can reduce body temperature. This can be alternative way for healing fever which is better than enstrostop. High fever can make body lack of vitamin but it can be restored by using sugarcane juice.

16. Relieves Heart Palpitation

Boil two cups of water and put on three handled black root cane. Boil until the water remains half. Strain it when it is cold and then drink two times a day.

17. Hydrating Body

Dehydration is easy to encounter, especially in dry season and summer. At those seasons we may consume sugarcane juice before dehydration “touch” us. Sugarcane can increase mineral in the body so it will prevent dehydration. Moreover, natural electrolyte, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and manganese contained in sugarcane juice very help in reducing body heat and absolutely hydrate the body. That’s why sugarcane juice is also useful for fever.

Tips; Drink sugarcane with ice is better way to enjoy it. Let’s say bye to thirsty! (How To Quench Thirst Without Water Or Food?)

18. Boost the Supply of Body Energy

Many people maybe do not realize that natural sugar from sugarcane juice can be used as energy enhancer. Especially for people who live in four season.

Natural glucose and active compound that are contained in sugarcane will help our body to increase the energy. It is because sugarcane juice with glucose plus electrolyte compounds encourages the body metabolism. (5 Tips To Energize Your Body Naturally)

19. Eye Health

Much carbohydrate in sugarcane juice can help us to get pure sugar which is good for eye health. In addition, benefits of Vitamin A in sugarcane juice also improve eye health.

20. Healthy Nails

The appearance of something on nail is indicator if someone is lack of nutrients. You may check your own nails. If you find white and brown spots, it means you need to improve your nutrients. The same case if you see straight line on your nail. Then, you need to worry because that is also indicator of fewer nutrients. One way to overcome this problem is to drink sugarcane juice.

Mineral in sugarcane juice can help to “destroy” the white and brown spots also the straight line. Not only that, if you consume sugarcane juice regularly, it will make your nail stronger and shiny.

21. Maintaining Healthy Body

From the start point we always talk about sickness, disease, and etc. Last but not least. Let us talk about healthy body. Even in good condition, sugarcane juice is still good for us because super complete nutrients are contained in it. We also can get Vitamin C, Vitamin, A, and Vitamin E by drinking sugarcane.

Furthermore, sugarcane juice also contains super kind and good material such as antioxidant and other minerals to maintain our immune system and to prevent from tumors and cancers in all types.

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22. Skin Beauty Maintain

Woman wants to be special, so let’s give them this special one. Sugarcane juice is an anti-aging, it has alpha acids which helps woman to prevent premature aging. But off course not in instant way, it needs some effort. Woman needs to consume sugarcane regularly.

Besides preventing premature aging, sugarcane juice contains glycolic acid which also can maintain the skin health in good way. Exfoliate the dead skin which makes the skin brighter, whiter, and smoother. Sugarcane juice is also used to remove acne on the face and disguise black blemishes of acne scars.

Anyway sugarcane juice can be used by applying onto face. But it is not effective because sugarcane juice only brighten skin surface, not stimulate the inner skin layers.

23. Lose Weight

There are so many way to get perfect body. This part is useful not only for woman but also for man. Actually, in third paragraph we have talked about this but not straight to the point. Sugarcane contains a super mineral named Policosanol, it can decrease the production of cholesterol in liver. Bad cholesterol or LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) can be breakdown by it. LDL cannot damage our body if we consume 10 mg policosanol once a day. HDL as a good cholesterol will be increased till 11,3% in this process. Policosanol as protein in blood plasma will result a lose weight.

Some Not Proven Benefits of Sugarcane Juice But Is Good

There are so many articles on internet that talk about the benefits of sugarcane without strong reason. Why we said it is fake because we cannot say it is true or not. Here are the lists of the benefits of sugarcane that we are not sure about their truth:

Prevents spread of the HIV;

Prevents and reduce high blood pressure;

Prevents allergies;

Prevents hepatitis;

Prevents blown;

Prevents osteoporosis;

Prevents food poisoning;

Improve cognitive function;

Remove exhaustion and fatigue;

Reduce dangers of smoking;

Reduce risk rheumatism and arthritis;

Reduce stress;

Side Effects of Sugarcane

Just like other plants, besides they have many benefits they also have side effects. So let’s check the side effect of sugarcane as bellow:

Weight loss. This side effect might not be considered as negative by some people, especially women. But in fact, in seriously ill people it can be dangerous. It is because policosanol contained in sugarcane can thin your blood and may lead to unwanted weight loss.

Harmful for diabetics. Sugarcane indeed can be used as diabetes treatment, but you still must be aware that the excessive of consuming sugarcane is also harmful and dangerous.

Consuming sugarcane also causes any complaints such as dizziness, insomnia, headaches and upset stomach.

Well, we have talked about the nutrients, benefits even side effects of sugarcane.

But, do you know how sugarcane looks like? Here are the characteristics of sugarcane:

Sugarcane is like stick, it grows tall even until more than two meters.

The stems look like a pipe and the color is usually green.

The leaves are thin, long and have rough surface. The leaves color of sugarcane is green but it will turn to brown when it is ready for harvest.

Sugarcane is protected by a layer of super hard skin which is also covered by bluish white powder.

In order to taste this sweet stick, you should remove the layer first. Choose the clean one and for the best you may wash it with water. Sugarcane is very good to consume in dry season and summer. But it doesn’t mean you can’t taste it in wet season, you are free to taste it. For the best way, you may drink it in warm juice but remember when you boil sugarcane water, do not let it becomes too hot because it can damage the substances.

One point that always emphasized from all the explanation is routine. Sugarcane can help us for better condition if it is consume sufficiently. It also can help us to prevent diseases, so do not drink it after you already got sick. Because, prevention is better than cure. Hope Do agree with that?

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