9 Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Breast Cancer - Dr Appiah

Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Breast Cancer

Cancer has been in existence in our world history. It’s among the oldest diseases that doctors are yet to find cure.  Breast cancer, among the numerous cancers isone of the most common cancers affecting women nowadays. It's a life-threatening affliction that significantly reduces the quality of life of the patient.

Although breast cancer cannot absolutely be prevented, we can reduce the risk of developing this disease if proper measures are adopted.

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Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Breast Cancer

Here are some of the tips you can follow to reduce the risk of breast cancer:



Control your weight

Having a healthy weight is very crucial for everyone. Women who are obese and overweight are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. Controlling your weight can be done by modifying your lifestyle. 

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Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Breast Cancer - Weight control



Quit smoking

Smoking in general increases risk of cancers as the smoke you inhale is loaded with carcinogens or simply cancer causing agents.

 RELATED: Prevention of Breast Cancer With Food

Avoid alcohol

Various studies have shown that women who regularly drink alcohol put themselves at a higher risk of developing cancers. Also, women with a family history of breast cancer should do themselves favor by avoiding alcohol.


Eat a healthy diet

Feeding your body with healthy diet provides good nutrition which forms a strong foundation for good health. Eat high fiber and low glycemic foods as well as proteins with every meal or snack.

Avoid all refined or processed sugars and sweets. Its advisable to avoid drinking concentrated fruit juices. Take more fresh vegetables and whole grains daily.

Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Breast Cancer - Eat a healthy diet

 RELATED: Link Between Cancer and Lifestyle

Eating high fiber foods like beans, rice, soy, and leagrass-feded meats at meal time or snacks helps you to eat less. Make it a point to take 50 grams of fiber food daily. Healthy protein supplements will also help to keep your blood sugar stable.



Increase intake of vitamin D supplements

Recent researches studies have shown that vitamin D is effective in preventing of breast cancer. Doctors recommend that two hundred (200) international units (IU) of this vitamin reduce the risk of breast cancer in women. Natural sunlight (preferably the morning sunlight) is the best way to increase the storage of vitamin D thereby lowering breast cancer risk. (AD: There is a Vitamin D supplement, I recommend you buy from here)


Tips to reduce the risk of breast cancer- Increase intake of vitamin D supplements

Know your family history

Women who have previous incidence of breast cancers in their families can take special steps to protect themselves. Studies have shown that, you may be at a higher risk of breast cancer if your mother or sister have breast cancer.

Therefore, its advisable to go for regular screening and start early treatment if it is diagnosed.


Limit the duration of hormone therapy

You may increase your risk of developing breast cancer if you take hormone-therapy for more than 3-4 years. 

Normally, hormone-replacement-therapy is used to control hot flashes, night sweats, and other severe symptoms of menopause. In case you are taking hormone therapy treatment severe menopausal symptoms, ask a medical officer about alternative non-hormonal therapies and medications that can equally manage the symptoms.


Breastfeed your baby

 Breastfeeding also lowers your chances of developing cancer-related hormones. The longer the woman breastfeeds her baby, the lower the risk of getting breast cancer.

When breast cancers are detected early and receives the needed treatment, the chances of survival improve.  Maintaining a healthy weight, Eating right, exercising and being consistent with screening can help to reduce the risk of breast cancer.


Avoid exposure to environmental radiation and pollution.

Studies suggest that there is a relationship between radiation exposure and breast cancer. The current practiced medical imaging method in our hospitals happens to use high doses of radiation. So, reduce your exposure to these tests and continue only if absolutely necessary.


Breast cancer is a very dangerous disease that affects both women and men. However, the risks of developing this cancer can be reduced with healthy lifestyle choices. So what are you waiting for? Start living healthy lifestyle for health is wealth.

 READ ALSO: The Link Between Sugar And Cancer



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