8 Best Home Remedies for Premature Ej.aculation

Premature ej.aculation happens when a person with a pen.is climaxes before they or their partner would’ve wanted to during s.ex. People dealing with premature ej.aculation tend to orgasm before or directly after penetration and are usually unable to delay ej.aculation.

The condition can lead to frustration and anxiety. Some people with premature ej.aculation may avoid s.ex as a result. But there are treatments that can help.

Read on to learn more about home remedies and natural treatment options for premature ej.aculation.

Best Home Remedies for Premature Ej.aculation

1. Zinc supplements

Zinc not only supports healthy immunity and cell growth, but the essential mineral may also help produce testosterone, which in some cases may help with premature ej.aculation.

Zinc is one of the more natural treatments for men living with lowered testosterone. Even though it’s not always sufficient in every case, 220 mg of zinc sulfate, twice a day, over 1 to 4 months, is often recommended.

It’s important to note that more is not always better, especially with supplements. Taking too much zinc may cause:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • kidney and stomach damage
  • a metallic taste in your mouth

2. Ayurvedic herbal medicine

Ayurveda is India’s traditional healing system. It relies on thousands of herbs to treat everything from diabetes to inflammation.

A 2017 study found that men who used Ayurvedic medicine saw a slight increase in the time it took to ej.aculate during se.x. Known potential side effects include:
stomach pain

  • dizziness
  • mild pain
  • decreased libido

Talk with a healthcare professional before adding any extra herbs or supplements to your diet. They may affect other medications you’re taking and may not be advisable for everyone.

3. Chinese herbal medicine

A weekly or daily dose of Chinese herbal medicine — in particular, Yimusake tablets or Qilin pills — may treat premature ej.aculation by boosting s.exual stamina and improving energy.

That 2017 study also found that different types of Chinese herbal medicine can increase ej.aculation time by about 2 minutes. Known potential side effects include:

  • stomach pain
  • dizziness
  • mild pain

Again, make sure to talk with a healthcare professional before adding any extra herbs or supplements to your diet.

4. Dietary changes

In addition to zinc, magnesium also plays a role in your s.exual health and may play a role in premature ej.aculation, according to research.

Incorporating foods into your diet rich in zinc and magnesium may help increase the time it takes you to climax. Those foods include:
  • pumpkin seed
  • soybeans
  • yogurt
  • spinach
  • wheat germ cereal
  • almonds
  • kidney beans
  • chickpeas
  • sesame seeds
  • dark chocolate
  • garlic
  • peas

5. Pause-squeeze technique

The pause-squeeze technique may help ease premature ej.aculation by letting arousal dwindle before the climax. When you feel you’re ready to ej.aculate, stop and have you or your partner squeeze the end of your pen.is where the head joins the shaft.

Have them hold the squeeze for several seconds until you no longer want to climax. Be sure to communicate with your partner during this process because they won’t know the correct timing otherwise.

Repeat this process as much as necessary. Eventually, you may be able to delay ej.aculation without help.

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6. Stop-start technique

The stop-start technique, also known as orgasm control or “edging,” can help delay climax by drawing out pleasure.

When you feel the urge to ej.aculate, stop having s.exual activity completely. Once you feel less aroused, slowly start to have s.exual activity again. Repeat this process as much as necessary to help you control ej.aculation.

7. Pelvic floor exercises

Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can have a big impact on how long it takes you to climax.

An older 2014 study found that pelvic floor exercises can help men dealing with lifelong premature ej.aculation control their ej.aculatory reflex, increasing the time it takes for them to climax. To perform pelvic floor exercises:

  • Find the right muscles by stopping mid-stream while peeing or tightening the muscles that stop you from passing gas.
  • While laying down, contract your pelvic floor muscles for 3 seconds, and then relax for 3 seconds. Do this at least 10 times in a row. Repeat at least 3 times a day.
  • Gradually increase the number of seconds as your muscles become stronger. Try new positions, like standing, walking, or sitting down.

Don’t forget to breathe, and remember to focus only on your pelvic floor muscles. Don’t tighten your abs, thighs, or buttocks.

8. Avoid intercourse for a period of time

This may seem counterintuitive, but focusing on other types of s.exual activity instead of intercourse may help take the pressure off your s.exual encounters.

Penetration isn’t the only way to reach s.exual satisfaction, so think about other ways you and your partner can feel the pleasure that won’t cause either of you distress or frustration.

Frequently asked questions

What causes premature ej.aculation?

It’s not quite known what causes premature ej.aculation exactly, but the general consensus is that it’s a psychological condition.

Depression, anxiety, guilt, relationship issues, lack of confidence, and history of s.exual trauma can all play into the development of premature ej.aculation.

But certain medical issues can also cause this condition, including:

  • lowered serotonin levels
  • abnormal hormone levels
  • inflammation or infection in the urethra or prostate

Can you fix premature ej.aculation naturally?

While occasional premature ej.aculation is not a cause for alarm, you should talk with your doctor if it’s persistent. Certain home remedies like the ones listed above may provide relief at the moment. But if there’s an underlying condition causing your premature ej.aculation — like a hormone imbalance — only a doctor will be able to diagnose it.

The takeaway

Premature ej.aculation is a completely normal and common type of s.exual concern that affects 30 to 75% of men in the United States.

While some of these home remedies may be effective for some people, if premature ej.aculation persists and is affecting your life, you should talk with your doctor to rule out any underlying causes and explore other treatment options.

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