Amazing Health Benefits Of Cloves - Dr Appiah

Originating in Indonesia, cloves are dried flower buds from the clove tree. They are a popular spice that people use in soups, stews, meats, sauces, and rice dishes.

Their name comes from the Latin word clavus, which means nail since the shape of a dried clove resembles that of a nail.

People have used cloves in cooking and traditional medicine for many years, but it is only recently that scientists have begun studying their potential health benefits.

Read on to learn more about potential health benefits, uses, and risks of cloves.

 Health Benefits Of Cloves

1.It helps to cure infection and bad vaginal odor's a natural room freshener 

3.Cloves oil helps in reducing the sagginess of the skin and prevents the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


4.It's a natural antibiotic, studies on the effect of clove have shown that it can kill harmful bacteria. While you shouldn't replace your antibiotics with clove, they can support your recovery process.

5.Eating cloves regularly can also kill pathogens before they cause you any harm


6. It protects your liver; our liver is our body's main detoxifying agent. The more harmful compounds it comes into contact with, the more damage it can incur. Free radicals can multiply in your liver, causing damage to its cells. Cloves fight these free radicals and protect your liver.

7.Cloves aren't just great for your physical health, there's evidence it might also boost your s*xual prowess in ancient medicine, cloves were administered to increase a person's virility. (Click here to read more on how to make natural viagra)

8.It helps in maintaining good oral health. Asian medicine recommends chewing on cloves to keep your mouth healthy, because of their antibacterial properties.

9.It improves Digestion, cloves are a very effective digestive aid. Chewing on them after meal help in easing digestion and save you from discomfort. (How To Improve Digestion)

10.loves are a natural antiseptic and can help restore the pH level of the skin. You can use it in your face masks to deal with the stubborn acnes


There is one secret that you don't know about clove, yet. It can help you to she'd pounds in a week. Yes, clove is one of the spices that can help you to tone down in healthy way. High in anti-cholestyramine and anti-lipid properties





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