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8 Benefits of Tamarind: Uses, Side Effects, How To Eat

Tamarind is a fruit that tastes sweet and sour and has a lot of health benefits. It can be used to improve your digestion and combat...

DR. APPIAH 28 Feb, 2021

15 Ways to Get Pregnant With Twins Naturally: How To Get Pregnant With Twins

Countless number of couple’s wishes to give birth to twins and each couple has its own unique set of reasons to desire for more kids...

DR. APPIAH 28 Feb, 2021

Lawyer tests positive for COVID-19 after receiving both vaccine doses

Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.), who received a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine earlier this month, tested positive for the virus on Fr...

DR. APPIAH 28 Feb, 2021

The Link Between Sugar And Cancer

This study shows that those who consume more high sugar beverages have an increased risk of cancer. This is a correlation, but does not ...

DR. APPIAH 25 Feb, 2021

Interesting Health Facts About Cucumbers

Cucumbers are part of the gourd family called Cucurbitaceae. There are three main varieties of cucumbers include seedless, pickled, and ...

DR. APPIAH 25 Feb, 2021

Are Spices In Your Food Good For You ?

According to a  research paper published in 2015 by Harvard medical school, people who eat spicy foods on a regular basis and in mod...

DR. APPIAH 25 Feb, 2021

11 Things You Didn’t Know About Twin Pregnancies - Dr Appiah

Heard the exciting news but you’re secretly worried because you have no idea what to expect and how to manage things? There’s no nee...

DR. APPIAH 25 Feb, 2021

Amazing Health Benefits Of Cloves - Dr Appiah

Originating in Indonesia, cloves are dried flower buds from the clove tree. They are a popular spice that people use in soups, stews...

DR. APPIAH 25 Feb, 2021

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