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Best Foods For Depression: How Does Fruits And Vegetables Lower Risk Of Depression?

Do you know that Increasing your intake of raw fruits and vegetables can Lower your risk of depression? While eating fruits and vegetabl...

DR. APPIAH 5 May, 2021

Naturopathic Approaches to Thyroid Malfunctions

Many patients have chosen naturopathy (or naturopathic medicine) as a natural way to help recover from a thyroid condition. Onc...

DR. APPIAH 2 May, 2021

Wrong Food Combination: Beans with fried plantain

The source of many Diseases and the Reason why Diseases refused To Go Away. If You want to enjoy Good Health Please Study Proper Fo...

DR. APPIAH 2 May, 2021

Gout Home Remedies: 9 Best Gout Home Remedies

Gout can cause severe pain in the joints causing inflammation and general discomfort. Its caused by a high build-up of uric acid in the b...

DR. APPIAH 2 May, 2021

Does Acidity Cause Cancer? Consumption of Acidic Foods; The Main Cause Of Cancer

Certain foods have their own downsides and most often the foods we eat are the leading cause of cancer. A long time ago we used to cons...

DR. APPIAH 2 May, 2021

Natural Home Remedies for Catarrh: How Do You Get Rid Of Catarrh Fast?

Catarrh occurs in the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and those cavities of the head collaborating with them. Insignificant as it ...

DR. APPIAH 2 May, 2021

How To Increase Your Progesterone Naturally - Foods That Increase Progesterone Levels

Progesterone has primary role to play in miscarriages. Since progesterone relates to miscarriage, women trying to conceive must maintain...

DR. APPIAH 2 May, 2021

How Can You Regulate Your Period Without Birth Control?

Period (menstruation) is a natural part of a woman’s monthly cycle. The number of days spent menstruating can vary widely from person to...

DR. APPIAH 2 May, 2021 1

5 Powerful Home Remedies for Arthritis Pain Relief

Do you experience severe weakness and ache in your joints? Arthritis refers to inflammation of the arteries. Arthritis causes severe sti...

DR. APPIAH 29 Apr, 2021

Health Benefits of Garlic: 5 Powerful Reasons To Start Eating Garlic

Garlic has lots of medicinal benefits. Garlic falls under the onion family and has a centuries-long history of medicinal use on a global...

DR. APPIAH 29 Apr, 2021

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