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Diarrhea: 5 Effective Diarrhea Remedies

Are you experiencing diarrhea? Do you know there are several effective remedies for diarrhea? Diarrhea occurs commonly and eating certai...

DR. APPIAH 1 Jun, 2021

Best Direction to Sleep – Healthy Sleeping Positions

Sleeping position direction guidelines are to be followed for good sleep. The best sleeping potion determines overall prosperity and hea...

DR. APPIAH 31 May, 2021

Stomach Pains: Why Do I Get Stomach Pains After Eating?

Stomach pain causes so much discomfort and various reasons lead to it. Overeating, constipation, hot and spicy foods are some of the cau...

DR. APPIAH 30 May, 2021 1

Long Term Effects Of Eating Poorly

Research over the years is now revealing that what we eat may affect our health, but more importantly, it changes our DNA thereby ...

DR. APPIAH 30 May, 2021

Low Libido: What Causes Low Libido?

Low libido is a common complaint, and there are certainly a variety of possible causes—including fatigue, stress (though there may be a...

DR. APPIAH 30 May, 2021

5 Effective Home Remedies for Anemia You Should Know

Many people complain of short of blood otherwise known as anemia these days but home remedies for anemia can be tried out to resolve thi...

DR. APPIAH 29 May, 2021

4 Effective Home Remedies for Vitiligo

According to medical definition, Vitiligo is a condition in which skin begins to develop white patches or spots due to the loss of ‘mela...

DR. APPIAH 27 May, 2021

Kola Nuts: 11 Health Benefits of Kola Nut, Side Effects

Did you know about this wonderful nut? Kola nut botanically known as  Cola acuminata  is packed with many health benefits that might bl...

DR. APPIAH 27 May, 2021

Bad Breath: How To Treat Bad Breath Naturally With This Herb

Bad breath is an unpleasant, smell coming from the mouth. Halitosis can occur on occasion, or it can be a chronic condition. It may be...

DR. APPIAH 27 May, 2021

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