Long Term Effects Of Eating Poorly

Research over the years is now revealing that what we eat may affect our health, but more importantly, it changes our DNA thereby affecting the health of our children and grandchildren. Dr Mercola has published the following article relating to cancer on subsequent generations – this is just one example of how our lifestyles impact future generations. Another modern-day threat to the health of future generations is genetic modification.
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One of the most common nutritionally empty foods is bread. In fact, The Daily Mail June 15, 2011 reported:

In 1911, the bread which made up 40 percent of the diet of the impoverished people of Britain was blamed for widespread poor health. Modern nutritional science confirms the accuracy of this assessment.

Refined white flour contains almost no natural minerals and vitamins. In particular, vitamin B deficiency from poor diet resulted in a range of illnesses that the Victorians called ‘wasting diseases’. And white flour at the time was usually laced with alum, which made bad flour look whiter.

Food and your health

According to the Daily Mail: “[In modern times], the Real Bread Campaign, a non-profit pressure group, claims that bread has actually gotten worse since 1911 in terms of secret adulterants — enzymes that do not have to be declared on labels — still being smuggled into it. Today, despite the modern fashion for healthy eating, ‘nutritionally empty’ white bread accounts for more than 50 percent of what we buy.”

One of the main dietary recommendations I give is to stop eating bread – at least bread made with wheat flour. Alternatives include rye, spelt, oat, millet, kamut and other grains which have not been as adulterated as wheat.

Over the past 100 years our soils have become increasingly depleted in essential nutrients. So not only are we making poor food choices, selecting fast take away options and quick meals, the fresh food we are buying is grossly deficient in nutrients. The production “Food Matters” provides research into how deficient our foods have become, making the need for proper supplementation a reality. 

However, not only are our foods depleted in essential nutrients, they are becoming increasingly damaging to our health due to genetic modification (GM).

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