Side Effects Of Fast Foods That You Never Thought Of - Dr Appiah

We all know that eating fast food is bad for our health, but you probably don’t know how bad it is and you most certainly

don’t know this type of food affects your tendons.

 RELATED: Foods That May Cause Adverse Reactions

The Side Effects Of Fast Foods

The most significant effects fast food has on our digestive and cardiovascular system. Fast foods always contain a lot of bad carbohydrates, and our digestive system extracts a lot of sugar from these unhealthy carbs. Even though our bodies store sugar in the right places (muscles), these foods have too much of it, and any excess sugar, which can’t be used for the muscles, goes into the blood which increases our blood sugar count.

In actuality, these massive amounts of sugar can cause a host of problems for our bodies:

Insulin resistance

Type 2 diabetes

Weight gain

Besides sugar-related problems, fast foods cause a lot of other issues as well:

More headaches

Increased risk of depression

Occasional acne

Possible dental cavities

Higher cholesterol

Higher blood pressure

ALSO: Foods That Lower Blood Pressure  

But what about your tendons?

The Effect of Fast Food Has on Your Tendons

In addition to the previous side effects of fast food, it can also cause problems for your tendons – the strong fibrous collagen tissue that attaches the muscles to the bones.

Like the ligaments that connect bone to bone, tendons are very important for the overall functionality of your entire body. Without them, you’d be unable to move correctly.

Problems with tendons can come in many shapes and forms, but most of them are a result of an injury.

However, tendons can suffer from any stress as well, and obesity plays a huge role here as it increases the strain on your joints, making your tendons suffer in the process.

Furthermore, tendonitis is one of the central tendon-related injuries. It is a painful swelling in the tendons and surrounding tissue. As tendonitis is an inflammatory disease, eating foods like fatty meats, refined sweets, and beverages high in sugar and calories increases your risk factor.

What you should eat instead are foods that contain vitamins C, B6, and B12, then magnesium, zinc, and manganese, as all of these nutrients strengthen the muscles.




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