Healing Without Medicines - Hydrotherapy

For most sicknesses no Medicines are needed. Our bodies have their own defenses or ways to resist and fight disease. In most cases, these Natural defenses are far more important to our health than are Medicines.

Healing Without Medicines - Hydrotherapy

To help the body fight off or overcome a sickness, often all that is needed is to:

  • Keep clean
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Eat well and drink lots liquid


Even a case of more serious illness, when a medicine may be needed, it is the body that must overcome the disease; the medicine only helps. Cleanliness, rest, and nutritious foods are still very important.

Much of the art of health care does not-and should not-depend on use of medications. Even if you live in an area where there are no mordern Medicines, there's a great deal you can do to prevent and treat most common sicknesses-if you learn how.

RELATED: Improve Your Health With Water: How To Improve Your Health With Water - Dr Appiah

How To Prevented Many Sicknesses With Or Without Medicines

If people simply learned how to use water correctly, this alone might do more to prevent and cure illness than all the medicines they now use......and misuse.


Most of us could live without Medicines. But no one can live without water. In fact, over half (57%) of the human body is water. If everyone living in farms and villages made the best use of water, the amount of sickness and death--especially of children--could probably be cut in half.

For example, correct use of water is basic both in the prevention and treatment of diarrhea. In many areas, diarrhea is the most common cause of sickness and death in small children. Contaminated (unclean) water is the often part of the cause. (Read more: 4 SIGNS YOU ARE NOT DRINKING ENOUGH WATER)

Healing with water

To boil water in a pot, even for one minute, will kill the germs that cause diarrhea and make the water safe. Babies should always be breast-fed, but if a cup and spoon have to be used for additional feeds, the utensils should also be boiled in water. Try to avoid bottles and that's all together because it is never easy to keep them clean and safe enough for a baby, even with regular boiling. Washing ones hand with soap and water after a bowel movement and before eating or handling foods is just as important.


If gas is short, use the sun! A days supply of drinking water may be put in clear glass or plastic bottles, or plastic bags securely closed, and placed in the sun for several hours. The ultra-voilet Ray's in the sunlight will purify it even without boiling.

Overnight the containers can be cooled, and the water used for drinking next day.

 Also: 6 Health Benefits of coconut Water: Uses of Coconut Water – Dr Appiah


When do we take water?

To prevent     -        Use 

1. Diarrhea, worms             boil drinking water, wash hands

2. Skin infections                both often

3. Wounds becoming 

infected; tetanus    ---wash wounds well with soap and water.

4. Guinea worms in the legs or body   -----do not step into water when drawing water from a water hole.


1. Diarrhea, dehydration---Drink plenty of liquids

2. Illness with fever---drink plenty of liquids

3. High fever------soak body with cool water

4. Minor urinary infections-----drink plenty of water

5. Cough, asthma,bronchitis, pneumonia-----drink a lot of water and breathe hot water vapor (to loosen mucus)

6. Sores, impetigo, ringworm of skin or pimples---Scrub with soap and water

7. Infected woundsa abscesses boils----hot soaks or compresses

8. Sprained ankle or bruise------Ice-cold water for the first day.

9. Other sore joints, Stiff sore muscles------hot compress

10. Itching, burning or weeping irritations of the skin-----cold compress

11. Minor burns-----hold in cold water

12. Sore throat or tonsillitis-----gargle hot salt water

3. Acid, lye, dirt or irritating substance-----flood eye with cool water at once, and continue flooding with water for at least 15mins in the eye

14. Stuffed up nose----sniff salt water

15. Constipation, hard stools-----drink lots of water (also enemas are safer than laxatives but do not overuse)

16. Cold sores or fever blisters--------hold eyes on blisters for 1 hr. at first sign.


In each of the above cases (except pneumonia) when water is used correctly, often Medicines are not needed. 

 Also: Home Remedies For Pneumonia

Source: Where there's no doctor



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