Avoiding Constipation – Top 12 Foods To Avoid

Avoiding Constipation – Top 12 Foods To Avoid

It has become very normal for people to go a day or as far as 3 to 4 days without visiting the white house.

No doubt now-a-days constipation is becoming a growing concern due to the changing food habits and the environment and lifestyle of most people.

What is constipation?

Constipation is infrequent bowel movements with passing of very hard, dry stools. It can be a very stressful process and may require enemas, suppositories, or laxatives to regulate normal bowel movements. Constipation can be considered as a symptom rather than a disease and can affect people of any age group.

RELATED: Healthy Habits to Relieve Constipation

What Can Cause Constipation?

Less fibre intake

Less water intake

Few medications (e.g. Iron pills, calcium supplements, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, antihistamines, and diuretics)



Parkinson’s disease

Colon cancer


Less physical activity


Eating disorders

12 Foods You Should Skip to Avoid Constipation

Diet changes can bring about a great difference in the health of your intestines and digestive system. Now here are 12 foods that you should definitely avoid if you are troubled with the problem of constipation.

1. Bananas

Depending on the ripeness, bananas can be a reason for constipation as well as for providing relief from it. Green or unripe bananas contain large amount of starch which is difficult for the body to digest and thus, cause constipation. (14 Good Reasons Why You Should Eat Banana)

2. Caffeine

Consumption of high amount of caffeine especially when the body feels dehydrated tends to cause constipation.

ALSO READ: Negative Effects of Caffeine on Health

3. Fast Foods

Fast foods like chips, pasta, fries, onion rings, frozen dinners, and hamburgers are processed foods containing no natural fibre content in them. Lack of fibre makes it difficult for the body to digest these food items easily thus leading to the problem of constipation.

4. Chocolate

Chocolate should be an absolute NO. The fat present in chocolate can make the digestion process slow thereby slowing down muscle contractions and thus, the movement of food in bowel. (Why Do I Get Stomach Pains After Eating?)

5. Dairy Products


Dairy products like cheese, ice-cream and milk if consumed in large amounts can cause constipation. The high content of fat, low fibre content and the presence of lactose in the dairy products can cause bloating and gas. People suffering from constipation should thus be careful about the consumption of dairy products.

6. Red Meat

Red meat contains high levels of fat and consists of hard protein fibres, both of which can make the work of digestive system tough. Red meat is also rich in iron which is the key constipation-causing element if present in more-than-required quantity in the body. 

READ MORE: 3 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat

7. Cookies

Cookies and other refined carbohydrates like cakes and pastries are found to be low in fluid and fibre content and high in fat which again is hard work for the digestive system and can cause constipation.

8. Iron-Rich Foods

High quantity of iron in the body can lead to constipation. Men especially should check their multivitamin supplements to know how much amount of iron these supplements contain. People suffering with the problem of constipation should avoid iron rich foods like liver, mussels, and oysters. (Getting Enough Iron on a Plant-Based Diet)

9. Antacids

Antacids are good against heartburns but few can lead to constipation, mainly those containing calcium and aluminium.

10. Alcoholic Beverages

Constipation can also be caused by intake of excessive amount of alcohol. One drink for women and two drinks for men is generally fine. ALSO: (21 Deadly Health Effects of Alcohol: Short & Long Terms)

11. Laxative overuse

If stimulant laxatives are used for a prolonged period of time in order to manage constipation, then it’s not a good sign because your body will then totally rely on them to function properly. They should not be taken for more than the prescribed time.

12. Others

Foods containing white flour, white sugar, baking soda/ yeasted bread, white rice or baking powder should be consumed in limited amounts or else they can lead to digestive troubles.


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