7 Natural Ways To Remove Stretch Marks Naturally

Lots of women are concerned about stretch marks. Though some women are not bothered at all but if you are worried, just take your time and read through this article.

Natural Ways To Remove Stretch Marks Naturally

Every woman seems to have this problem on some body parts and this is considered as perfectly normal and natural due to weight loss after giving birth or after living for years with extra pounds.

Every woman wants to look beautiful, that’s why some go extra length in trying to find solution to this welcomed mark.

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Natural Ways To Remove Stretch Marks

Here are some natural ways to deal with it:

1. Tablespoon of sugar and few drops of lemon juice with some almond oil.

Sugar is known for its exfoliating effects. To use this natural exfoliant, take a tablespoon of sugar, add in a few drops of lemon juice with some almond oil and stir thoroughly. When this exfoliant is ready, just rub it for a few minutes on the affected area of your skin. Afterwards, rinse the mixture off with warm water and dry. Do this for a month until you discover positive results on your skin. (6 Powerful Health Benefits of Almond Milk for Skin)

2. Aloe Vera

Get few small aloe vera leaves, and use these to rub on your skin for a few minutes. Next, rinse the area off with warm water. Do this for 3-4 weeks.

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3. Potato Juice

Potatoes enhance the growth and repair of skin cells. Because of these effects, it is not surprising that the juice of this vegetable has been used for eliminating stretch marks. Simply cut a potato into thick slices and just rub these on your skin for 5 to 10 minutes. Once the juice dries on your skin, let it stay for a few more minutes before rinsing off.


4. Olive Oil

Olive oil has been trusted by people as an excellent skin moisturizer because of its hydrating and cooling effect. For stretch marks, you can use this oil by heating it slightly before applying on your skin. The warm oil promotes good circulation of the blood, which will soon help reduce the appearance of the marks. There is no need to rinse the oil off since it is a great moisturizer that can keep your skin smooth and supple. Read on to know h
ow to clear strecth marks naturally.

How to clear strecth marks naturally

5. Alfalfa

The leaves of alfalfa are rich in amino acids, which support healthy skin. It is also a good source of protein, vitamin E and K, and this work by ensuring body tone naturally. You can also detoxify your skin using alfalfa leaves because of their anti-fungal properties. To treat marks on the skin, get a small amount of alfalfa powder combined with some chamomile oil. Mix well until a thick paste is formed. Use the paste as a massaging cream on the skin and apply at least three times a day.

6. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is renowned for its anti-aging properties while promoting circulation and reducing stretch marks. Just take a tablespoon of cocoa butter and massage on the affected portion gently. Do this technique twice a day for at least two months until you notice an improvement on your skin.

7. Egg Whites

In fact, the healing property of egg whites comes from the sufficient amounts of amino acids and proteins that repair skin cells efficiently. To prepare the mixture, place whites from two eggs in a bowl, then whip well. Apply a layer of this mixture on the skin either with a brush or by using your fingers. Allow the mixture to dry completely for at least 10 minutes. Then, rinse egg whites off your skin using warm water. Follow on with olive oil to moisturize the area. You may use this technique daily for optimum results.

Thank you for reading.


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