What are the Health Benefits of Ginger Tea for Blood Pressure? Find Out Here

What are the Health Benefits of Ginger Tea for Blood Pressure?

In one of our earlier posts, we talked about the health benefits of ginger.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a condition of the body when blood pressure is above a value of 130/80 mmHg or more. Blood pressure itself is the force that blood exerts on the blood vessels. This pressure is on the blood resistance and after the heart works.

Summarizing from the official website of the World Health Organization (WHO), blood pressure itself is written in two numbers, with the first number (systolic) representing the pressure in the blood vessels when the heartbeats. Meanwhile, the second number (diastolic) represents the pressure of the blood vessels when the heart rests between beats.

A condition called hypertension is when the systolic blood pressure reading is 140 mmHg or more and the diastolic blood pressure is 90 mmHg or more. This condition is often considered dangerous because it can cause serious health complications such as heart disease, stroke, and even death.

In addition, untreated high blood pressure can also lead to serious illnesses such as kidney failure or eye problems. Most people would treat it using a medical approach via pills or natural ingredients. Garlic doesn’t just add aroma to cooking spices. This onion can lower blood pressure by helping to increase a substance in the body known as nitric oxide.

Cinnamons have some advantages from being used as a spice in cooking, and can also lower blood pressure. This herb is rich in antioxidants and can provide various health benefits.

Ginger serves as a dual-purposed spice here, delivering a nice calming taste, while making you healthy. Besides being often used as a cooking spice, ginger is also a versatile ingredient that can be added to candy or drinks even though this spice is usually best served chopped, chopped, or shredded. 

1. Lower Blood Pressure

Ginger is popular among Asian people. Apart from being a cooking ingredient, this spice also offers natural properties for health and even some news says that ginger is effective in lowering blood pressure while protecting the body from hypertension.

The chemical compounds in ginger can reduce the risk of hypertension by preventing the formation of blood clots in the arteries and blood vessels. As a result, blood flow in the circulatory system will be smooth and avoid risk factors for hypertension.

A group of researchers conducted an animal study in 2017 on the impact of ginger on blood pressure. As reported in the BMJ Journal, researchers found the potential for ginger to be an alternative natural supplement to prevent hypertension. However, research still has to be tested in humans to study the effects of ginger in hypertensive patients.

2. Relieves Headache

Dizziness is a symptom that is quite annoying and can disrupt activities. Usually, dizziness is a sign of illness or fatigue in the body or a more serious problem like hypertension. Consuming ginger tea or healthy fruits like watermelon can actually help relieve this condition.

Ginger works by stimulating blood flow to the brain, so that blood circulation becomes smooth and slowly makes the body’s condition improve. Symptoms of dizziness should be treated immediately.

However, a simple sign of dizziness can make a person lose balance and fall which is pretty dangerous, especially for seniors. In addition, dizziness can be a symptom of serious illness, as mentioned above, it can be a clear sign of hypertension, and it’s highly related as well to diabetes and cholesterol.

ginger tea health benefits

3. Relieves Nausea

The strong aroma of ginger is also said to help relieve nausea and prevent vomiting, especially if you are about to or have just finished undergoing surgery, ginger can help to speed up the healing process.

Ginger can help reduce nausea after surgery. Not only by drinking it, you can also try rubbing ginger in the parts that are easy to smell, so that the scent of ginger will help relieve nausea.

Ginger tea is also recommended to be consumed before traveling long distances, since it can help to reduce motion sickness, thus making travel more enjoyable.

4. Reduces Menstrual Pain

Regularly consuming ginger tea can help reduce pain that occurs during menstruation. A number of studies have shown that ginger consumed can actually relieve menstrual pain.

To get the benefits of ginger for pain relief, try to consume at least four glasses of ginger tea. Drink these fluids for the first two days of menstruation, the relaxing effect could give you a comfortable stomach and effectively reduce the menstrual pain.

5. Increases Immune System

Ginger is high in vitamin C and magnesium. This content makes it suitable for strengthening the body’s immunity. Apart from these two substances, ginger also contains gingerols, shogaols and zingerones which can function as antioxidants for the body.

According to health data published by the US National Library of Medicine Institutes of Health, ginger can help to prevent cancer as well, since it contains gingerol which can reduce tumor growth in colon cancer.

Ginger also has an anti-inflammatory function that can fight the growth of cancer cells in the uterus, which means that regularly consuming ginger water can also help prevent the development of uterine cancer.

Notable Side Effects of Ginger Tea

Notable Side Effects of Ginger Tea

However, besides all of its natural properties, the consumption of ginger is also rumored to have side effects. Many people think that consumption of ginger can trigger nausea in the stomach (which is in contrast to the benefit).

One of the possible side effects is heartburn and abdominal pain. The taste is called the same as when you eat chilies or other spicy foods, really spicy. Whereas in people with high blood pressure, consumption of ginger will cause mild headaches.


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