What Foods are Bad for Metabolism? Top 10 Worst Foods For Your Metabolism

What foods are bad for metabolism? In essence, metabolism is related to the processes of using or converting the energy in our bodies. Your metabolism will slow when you get older. In fact, not all food is created equally. While some foods do not change metabolism, others may impact negatively or slow it down. It means that your own ability to burn calories will reduce, so you do not have to eat much during the day. Obviously, you may not realize that and end up eating too much. As a result, you find it hard to maintain a healthy weight. If you really want to keep your metabolism healthy, there are certain foods you should avoid.

Top 10 Worst Foods For Your Metabolism

10 Worst Foods For Your Metabolism

Now, we reveal to you the 10 worst foods for your metabolism. Stay away from these food items to keep your metabolism stable and strong.

ALSO READ: 11 Foods to Avoid If You Have Bad Kidneys: Kidney Health

1. Fruit Juice

In contrast to popular belief, not just fat in your diet is the culprit making your waist bigger, but the hidden sugar. Drinking too much fruit juice may destroy your body and wreck your metabolism in a few ways, such as causing cravings, inflammation, and sluggishness. Fruit juices that have too much sugar are far worse for your metabolism when the fruit comes without the fiber in the pulp. The fiber can keep natural sugars stable. Without it, natural sugars will go straight into your bloodstream, causing an increase in blood sugar levels. As a result, your metabolism is impacted.

READ ALSO: Eating Fruits On Empty Stomach: Good or bad?

2. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter has plenty of benefits, but we tend to consume it too much. Nuts could be healthy if consumed in moderate amounts; however, they are also rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which the majority of us already consume too much of. Peanut butter often has a fungus named aflatoxins, which destroy your gut health. Of course, once a certain body part is damaged, the others of the body have to work harder. Consequently, your body cannot digest the food to provide the metabolism with the essential calories.

SEE ALSO: What Are the Health Benefits of Natural Peanut Butter? Is Peanut Butter Healthy For Weight Loss?

3. Processed Vegetable Oils

Vegetable oils like safflower, canola, or sunflower oil are some of the worst foods for your metabolism due to some reasons. They are high sources of omega-6, which are pro-inflammatory. Consuming them is correlated with obesity. Moreover, omega-6 fatty acids enhance insulin resistance. This is a process in which the human body turns consumed carbs into fat. Unhealthy fats, such as certain vegetable oils, destroy the thyroid and endocrine system. Low energy and a slow metabolism usually follow on from consuming foods containing or cooked in vegetable oils. 

4. White Bread

Simple carbohydrates like white bread are prone to be broken down by the human body as the fiber has been eliminated during processing. The body, as a result, does not have to burn extra calories in order to break down such easy-to-digest foods, thereby making your metabolism operate at a lower level.

5. Granola

To increase your metabolism, you should avoid eating too much granola. Granola is often sky-high in sugar, process grains, and calories. Just ½ cup serving of this food could set you back over 250 calories. It seems not to make you feel satisfied or full for a long time. Another problem is that the honey used in granola is highly processed and maybe the main cause of weight gain. This treat is not helpful for your diet goals and metabolism as well. An excellent replacement for the commercially sold granola is homemade sprouted granola. This will not only provide you with more healthy fats, fiber and protein while significantly cutting back on fake flavoring agents and added sugar.

6. Artificial Sweeteners

Among the worst foods for your metabolism, artificial sweeteners which include sucralose and aspartame may be the most unexpected. Manufacturers of these food items tell the lie that people could satisfy their sweet tooth without taking any calories. Nonetheless, aspartame is associated with many adverse health effects, such as premature aging, changed brain antioxidant status, apoptotic changes, etc.

Sucralose and aspartame could stimulate your appetite and cravings for carbs. An example of artificial sweeteners in diet soda. According to a MESA study, consuming only one diet soda per day increased the potential risk for weight gain and increased waistline significantly.

7. Beef

Beef possesses more antibiotics. They have a harmful effect on good gut bacteria. Due to change in gut bacteria, it impacts negatively the way we process food and increases the risk for weight gain. Therefore, you had better choose grass-fed meat instead of farmed meat to maintain a healthy metabolism.

8. Conventional Apples

We all know that: an apple a day keeps the doctor away. However, nowadays there is a certain type of fungicide used on fresh fruits and veggies that results in weight gain. So, maybe a piece of fruit also impairs your weight loss goals. To avoid this, you should limit your exposure to pesticides by purchasing organic versions of fruits and vegetables. Besides, you need to wash all fruits and vegetables carefully before consuming them.

conventional apple safe?

9. Traditional Yogurt

Greek yogurt provides a lot of metabolism-boosting benefits due to its high content of probiotics and protein. However, traditional yogurt is not well worth it. It contains little to no probiotics compared with Greek yogurt. Furthermore, this alternative has too much added sugar as well as fruit puree. They are rapidly digested, causing an increase in blood sugar and leaving you craving more simple carbs. As a result, you gain weight.

worst metabolism foods

10. Regular Sea Salt

When it comes to the worst foods for your metabolism, regular sea salt may surprise you. Sodium chloride, aka salt, lurks in a host of foods you eat. It causes a spike in blood volume, thereby putting a lot of extra burden on your kidneys. When these organs slow, you will be slow your metabolic rate. Therefore, instead of using regular sea salt, you can opt for iodized salt as an alternative. It has a positive effect on the thyroid and metabolism as well. Without enough iodine, your thyroid cannot function well and it is more difficult for your body to burn extra fat.

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