4 Ways to Make Nails Stronger and Thicker: Here is How To Grow The Nails And Prevent Them From Breakage

4 Ways to Make Nails Stronger and Thicker

The nails being constantly exposed, suffer from the external attacks, climate changes or the use of chemicals to which they are exposed when performing cleaning tasks.

In general, fragile and brittle nails do not pose a health problem. However, the hands are in sight of everybody and therefore some broken nails can be attacked aesthetically. If this is your problem, do not worry because with these methods that we will teach you, you can be able to strengthen and grow your nails naturally and easily, without resorting to invasive treatments or spending too much money.

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How to grow the nails and prevent them from breakage: 4 Ways to Make Nails Stronger and Thicker

With these natural methods for strengthening and growing the nails you can easily avoid the present weakness and brittle. The ingredients we use to prepare these methods are natural and can be achieved in any local store.

1. Compress the lemon juice.

The lemon is very effective to strengthen and grow the nails because of the high levels of vitamin C helps in the process of regenerating the cells. To incorporate lemon care of your nails you just have to squeeze the juice of the lemon, wet a cotton ball with the juice and apply carefully on each nail. Then let them stay for 15 minutes and remove them with warm water. Note that if you have any injury lemon can cause some burning on them but also can help them heal.


2. Bath them with olive oil.

Olive oil is a great ally to strengthen and grow the nails thanks to its properties of moisturizing and fortifying. Also, the olive oil treatment is very simple, you just have to put the nails in a bowl with olive oil for 15 minutes during a month. After one month has passed, perform the same treatment but only twice a week. (34 Proven Health Benefits of Olive Oil (# Holy Herbal Oil))

3. Massage of the nails.

Perhaps you think your a massage is useless, but actually is a very effective trick to strengthen and grow your nails. This is so because the massage stimulates the blood flow. Make a massage daily on your hands and nails using a moisturizing cream. We recommend you to perform this massage after the nails have been in contact with water. (10 Surprising Health Benefits of Oil Massage)

4. Cream of cucumber.

The cucumber is known worldwide for its cosmetic benefits. The reason for this is that while it moisturizes the skin at the same time it softens it. If you choose to use cucumber to strengthen and grow the nails, what you should do: put a cucumber in a blender (without removing the skin) and mix until the consistency of a cream. Then put the mixture in a bowl and place your nails in it for 10 minutes. Note that the nails contain keratin, a protein that needs certain nutrients to stay strong. For that reason we recommend you to follow a varied diet rich in zinc, amino acids, iodine, calcium and vitamins A, B and C. In addition, In addition, avoid biting your nails because this obviously weakens them. (Interesting Health Facts About Cucumbers)


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