11 Early Warning Signs and Symptoms of Testicular Cancer

Did you know which possible signs and symptoms of testicular cancer should be reported to a physician? Testicular cancer, also known as teratoma, is one of the common types of cancer in men, and ignoring signs can be dangerous as the condition can be treated easily.

Symptoms of Testicular Cancer

Testicular is a small organ in men stated in scrotum usually process sperms and hormones in men called estrogen and testosterone. However, testicular cancer has increased in young men daily due to genital disorders and environmental issues.

If you notice a tumor or malignant inside the testicles, it may be a warning sign of cancer. Testicular cancer is known to be easily treated as they grow slow.

What Causes Testicular Cancer?

Testicular cancer mainly triggers males between the ages of 15-39. 

The experts are not sure about the specific cause of this cancer. Still, they informed that healthy cells grow abnormally and divide new cells when there is no need to cause a tumor.

Genital disorders or environmental factors can also be responsible for the condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Testicular Cancer

Major signs and symptoms of advanced testicular cancer that you mustn’t ignore or take lightly so let’s check them closely:

1. Changed Shape of Testicles

The size of the testicles may be different and not a big concern, but excess enlarged size can be a sign of testicular cancer. You may also notice bloating around the tissues.

Moreover, other factors present for swelling, pain, and irritation, but you must visit the doctor to diagnose the problem.

2. Heaviness Around Scrotum

The tumor growth in the testicles is painless though scrotum heaviness is the prior sign of cancer. Numbers of men with testicular cancer reported they feel heaviness to the surrounded area, and it happens due to the lump creating pressure to the linked tissues that makes one feel dragging perception.

American Cancer Association announced in a report that heaviness or dragging feeling mustn’t be ignored and immediate action required.

3. Swelling

While performing a self-examination, one may feel swelling around the scrotum. As the tumor develops, you may notice swelling. It can occur even if you haven’t enlarged the size of your testicles.

Sometimes a person may have hormonal changes during testicular cancer, leading to enlarged testicles and changing color.

4. Unusual Breast Changes

Signs and symptoms of testicular cancer may include unusual breast changes. It sounds a little weird, but testicular cancer can give you changes in the breasts. You may notice increased breast size, tenderness and heaviness in breasts, and discharge.

According to experts, the increased level of hormones called estrogen and progesterone causes secretions and breast changes. One important hormone named chorionic gonadotropin is also responsible for unusual breast changes.

5. Constant Body Pain

There are many reasons for body and muscle pain, and while suffering from testicular cancer, constant body pain and discomfort are considered a rapid sign.

6. Pain and Swelling in Lymph Nodes

If you feel pain and swelling in the lymph nodes of the throat and neck, it could also be a common sign of cancer. However, infection is also a cause behind that.

7. Fever and Fatigue

When your body constantly fights with this trespasser, it can weaken you and have a fever. You can have mental and physical fatigue and lack of appetite as well.

If you notice fever and fatigue without any other reason, you should make an appointment with a doc.

8. Sudden Weight Loss

Sudden weight loss is never good news, especially for those who don’t need this. Any cancer makes your body weak by using much body energy to cut body weight, and testicular cancer is not an exception.

9. Abdominal Pain

Spreading cancer in the body via lymphatic nodes causes the lower abdomen. If you notice constant pain in the lower belly, it can indicate there is something wrong with your testis.

10. Changed skin color

If you see any skin pigmentation or scaling, this is also reporting cancer in the body, and only an expert can diagnose this well.

11. Neurological Signs

If you feel changes in your behavior and personality, sleeping disturbance, headaches, then you never ignore all these signs that your body is shouting for help.

Testicular Cancer Treatment

After determining testicular cancer depending on the type via ultrasound, biopsy, or blood test then there would be several treatment methods that your doctor may recommend:


The surgeon suggests surgery to remove the testes, which is the only way to control them and remove them permanently.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy has been performed in mostly seminoma type of testicular cancer where they generate radiation beams to eliminate cancerous cells and are mainly recommended after the surgical process. It causes some adverse effects to the body too.


Chemotherapy has been suggested after the surgical process to kill tumorous cells. It also has side effects on the body and becomes a primary reason for infertility in men.

How to Prevent Testicular Cancer

There is no particular way available that can stop this from happening, but yes, you can do various things to prepare your body to fight with that:-

· Add more fruits, nuts, legumes, veggies, and whole grains to the diet.

· Take an anti-oxidants-rich diet to detoxify your body and make the immune system strong.

· Drink plenty of water and avoid processed food.

· Do self-examination by rolling out the testicles and maintaining proper hygiene in your private area.

· Perform safe sex with protection.

· If you notice something weird, immediately consult with an expert.


The testis is a significant reproductive organ in the male body, and this is also true that testicular cancer can affect the sexual life, and the treatment ways can affect your wellness.

Knowing the symptoms is essential to diagnose the condition. Although it is a rare type of cancer, it doesn’t mean you can ignore the uneasiness.

You must share your trouble with your doctor, family, and friends and accept a positive attitude, and you can defeat it for sure.

We hope this information on the signs and symptoms of testicular cancer will be helpful for you and if you have any suggestions, please feel free to share them with us.

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous May 16, 2022 at 2:52 PM

    Amazing information. Little did I know about this.
    Now I am aware. God bless you for being informative

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