8 Signs That Our Body Commands When It Cannot Properly Digest Meat

Many people around the world are excited to prepare meat. In countries like Argentina, they are famous for their grills, and all kinds of cuts and their different preparations. It is one of the most versatile foods to be prepared roasted, baked, grilled, cooked, fried, in soups, with sauces and much more. But how good is the meat for the organism?

Until now, in all the studies carried out by specialists from different countries, in which the influence of the meat on the work of the human body was considered, this product was considered harmful. He was accused of damaging the cardiovascular system, the development of cancer and a host of other diseases. Recently, scientists conducted a new study that revealed a link between meat consumption and the negative consequences associated with kidney disease.

Many people start to worry more not only about life expectancy, but also about staying healthy as long as possible. By looking at the previous generation, it is easy to see that parents used to be healthier than their children at an age. More and more doctors say that you need to eat well to be healthy.

Why is this happening?

Serious diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer are connected, curiously, with the consumption of meat and meat products genetically modified and with chemical additives. Not to mention the numerous parasites, their eggs and pathogenic bacteria that live in the flesh and die only with a very strong and prolonged heat treatment. And for all this, the digestive system of some people, can not process the meat and keep sick.

Signs warning that your digestive system is not processing meat

The body is a magnificent machine. When things go wrong, it usually does not go off without warning, like an incandescent bulb that blows up your filament. Instead, it sends us small signals letting us know that something is wrong.

1 – Dark circles under the eyes

The dark circles do not only come from a night of bad sleep. Apparently , not digesting the meat properly can also complicate your beauty regimen. “If you have dark circles under your eyes after eating meat, especially the next day, it’s a sign that the meat has not been digested properly,” says a nutrition expert and author of “The Earth Diet” and “10-” Minute Recipes “.

2 – Bad body odor and bad breath

“Bad breath and body odor are signs that your body is not digesting the meat properly. If the meat is not digested correctly, the smell of bad smell that is in the digestive system, finally reaches the skin and the breath “.

3 – Constant Fatigue

If you feel very slow and tired after eating meat, it is a sign that your body does not digest it well. It is a sign that the flesh is trapped in your intestines and actually drains your body’s energy to digest it.

Also, if you feel you have a brick in your gut for days after eating meat, it is a sign that you are not digesting the meat properly.

4 – Constipation

Depending on the cut of meat, some are exceptionally high in fat. Fat takes longer to digest in the body so it can cause indigestion, depending on the other foods you eat during your meal. Constipation can be the result of the high iron normally found in red meat.

5 – Pressure or High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure is known as “the silent killer” , because it reaches you in a silent way. Eating more vegetables tends to lower blood pressure. But a vegetarian diet is the best. If you are one of the millions of people with high blood pressure, this may be a good sign that it would be better to reduce or eliminate meat consumption.

6 – Nausea

Nausea, heartburn, and indigestion may appear when the meat is not well digested, and these symptoms can be incredibly uncomfortable. If you feel sick to your stomach during work, it will be harder for you to concentrate and be productive. Change the meat for a salad for lunch.

SEE ALSO: 3 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat

7 – Swelling in the abdomen

If you notice swelling after eating meat, it could be a sign of malabsorption and be representative of the inability to digest food properly . Abdominal distension and a general feeling of fatigue after eating meat is a big enough reason to eliminate it and see if you feel better.

8 – Muscle Loss

Signs that your body does not digest correctly meat includes nausea and vomiting and fatigue after eating meat. In addition, you may experience muscle wasting, problems with the immune system and the liver.

Keep in mind

People who have poor digestion, are usually related by chewing little food, and that is why the digestive system cannot metabolize them. So chew more, slow down and, finally, eat more appropriate (small) portions.

If you notice any of these symptoms after eating meat, it would be wise to modify your diet and try more plant-based foods to see if there is an improvement.

It can be scary to leave the meat, but with a healthy lifestyle you will not suffer if you know
 how to eat well and feed yourself.

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