10 Best Home Remedies for Hyperacidity (And Tips to Avoid It)

Hyperacidity (or acid reflux) causes inflammation of the stomach’s lining. Moreover, choosing natural home remedies for hyperacidity rather than antacids boosts overall stomach health.

10 Best Home Remedies for Hyperacidity

What is Hyperacidity?

Hyperacidity may be defined as a condition of increased acid levels in the stomach, causing bloating and burning sensations. In this case, the stomach releases hydrochloric acid to digest large food particles into smaller ones. Nevertheless, excessive production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is called hyperacidity.

Severe pains in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, bloating, burning sensation, heartburn, bad breath, flatulence, hiccups, and acid reflux are the most common symptoms of this severe disorder.

READ MORE: How to Improve Digestion of Food - Digestion Problem Solution

While the antacid treatment works, it only gives you short-term relief. Furthermore, opt for natural home remedies for hyperacidity to boost your overall stomach health.

Causes of Hyperacidity

An increased pitta dosha in the body impairs the internal digestive fire. The condition worsens and results in impaired digestion, wherein it produces toxins responsible for the formation of acid in the stomach.

Causes of hyperacidity involve the following:

  • Food incompatibility 
  • Polluted food 
  • Spicy food
  • Sour food

Activities that increase acid in the stomach include:

Eating meals irregularly
Excessive daytime sleep
Extra eating of food in the condition of indigestion
Exposure to heat and sunlight

Major Symptoms of Hyperacidity

  • Indigestion 
  • Heartburn
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Bad breath
  • Nausea
  • Loose motion with foul smell
  • Headache 

To treat acid reflux,
which is the leading cause of acid reflux. Nonetheless, a healthy diet facilitates and soothes pitta dosha naturally. Besides a nutritious diet, a managed lifestyle improves digestion and promotes overall stomach health.

Meanwhile, several medical firms produce and manufacture antacids. However, antacids only provide short-term relief from pain.

Nature has served us with plants and herbs readily available for us to consume.

What is more, these natural remedies for hyperacidity contain no side effects at all, unlike the antacids in the market.

Further, below you can find proven and effective home remedies for hyperacidity (or acid reflux) to improve your stomach’s health.

Top 10 Natural Home Remedies For Hyperacidity

1. Banana

When it comes to digestive health, banana is fiber-rich fruit. Likewise, bananas are essential for improving the stomach’s health and enhancing the digestive fire. Similarly, bananas are a rich source of potassium that produces mucus in the gut.

In the same vein, fruits and vegetables are beneficial in absorbing extra acids in the gut and preventing our digestive system from acid reflux. For instance, a ripe banana is a perfect antidote for hyperacidity.

2. Cold Milk

Milk contains the highest content of calcium , which is essential for bones and overall health. As such, milk has calcium that is effective in preventing acid reflux in the stomach. Additionally, calcium controls and regulates the pH balance in the body.

Moreover, you can enjoy the benefits of milk by drinking it cold. You will surely experience instant relief from a burning sensation and heartburn. Besides, milk overcomes excessive acid production in the stomach and other underlying symptoms of hyperacidity.

3. Buttermilk

Another natural remedy to cure acid reflux is buttermilk. Accordingly, buttermilk is a natural antidote available at home to fight against hyperacidity. Specifically, a glass of buttermilk gives instant relief for heartburn.

In addition, the lactic acid present in buttermilk prevents the effect of hydrochloric acid in the gut. Also, it soothes the lining of the stomach and reduces irritation. In the same way, good bacteria present in buttermilk aid with indigestion and promote the overall health of the digestive system.

4. Basil Leaves

Basil leaves (or tulsi leaves) are another excellent home remedy to cure hyperacidity. As such, tulsi leaves stimulate the production of mucus in the gut. Therefore, it prevents acid production that causes nausea, vomiting, and burning sensation. To add, tulsi leaves cure the inflammation of the esophagus. Basically, leaf powder and leaf juice are used in the treatment of hyperacidity.

5. Fennel

Among the home remedies for hyperacidity are the fennel seeds. It contains anethole compounds that effectively reduce inflammation and stomach pain.

Besides, it is a good supplement that is rich in fiber, nutrients, and minerals that are good for digestive health. Hence, fennel seeds are a beneficial home remedy to cure constipation because it contains anti-ulcer properties. For example, it prevents nausea, vomiting, and indigestion in pregnant women. Meanwhile, fennel seeds help lactating mothers in producing healthy and nutritional breast milk.

6. Mint leaves

Mint or pudina leaves are considered the best natural coolants. Nonetheless, they relieve heartburn and acid reflux, which is also suitable for improving digestion. Finally, mint leaves are an effective home remedy to cure spasms and severe pain in the stomach.

7. Gooseberry

Gooseberry (Amla) is a rich source of Vitamin C and is considered “satvik” food in Ayurveda. Subsequently, Vitamin C is beneficial for healing injured stomach and oesophageal lining. That is, one teaspoon of amla powder daily relieves discomfort, nausea, and burning sensation caused by extra hydrochloric acid in the gut.

8. Almonds

Almonds are again a good remedy for hyperacidity. Raw almonds reduce extra acid in the stomach. Subsequently, almonds promote good digestive health. Moreover, you should take almond milk to soothe the lining of your stomach. Almond, along with bananas, is an effective remedy to cure acid reflux.

9. Jaggery

Jaggery contains high magnesium content that boosts intestinal strength and aids with digestive problems. For instance, after your meals, a small piece of jaggery is an excellent natural remedy to promote good digestion.

10. Ginger

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory that reduces spasms and severe pain in the abdomen. Chew One should chew fresh slices of ginger to reduce acidity.

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