6 Dangerous Things That Happen To Your Body When You Skip Meals

Many people suffer from obesity or extra fat accumulation in the body and opt for different ways to get rid of the same. To do so, many people give try various ways like dieting, working out, or even skipping meals, without any proper knowledge. Simply, the notion is that if you eat less (skip meals), you'll end up losing weight. However, that's not how it works. Also, sometimes, you just skip meals because you've been occupied by work. Whatever may be the reason, you should never stay hungry for so long. And if you do so, your body undergoes a lot of changes and does not help you in any way. A post on the Instagram page "Nutrition By Lovneet" states the many ways in which the body reacts when you skip meals. Do you want to know what happens exactly? Read on.

The caption mentioned, "Well, skipping meals seems like the right thing for people who are trying to lose some weight. But skipping meals to lose weight does more harm to your body than good."

6 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Skip Meals

6 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Skip Meals

Skipping a meal has become a trend, whether it is due to a special diet regimen or lack of time. If you often skip your meals for any reason, you have to know what this habit of yours can do to your body.

1. Hormone Imbalance

Every time you skip a meal, the cortisol level increases, and causes anxiety. The insulin also increases and decreases instantly, resulting in an unstable blood sugar level. (4 Reasons To Get Your Hormone Levels Checked)

2. Digestion Problems

Your body is used to working during the whole day, so when you skip a meal the digestive system is unable to do its function. The proper metabolic and digestive function requires 3 meals and 2 snacks.

3. The Body Stores Fat

By skipping meals you confuse the body. It thinks you are starving, so every time you skip a meal, instead of burning the fat, the body stores it to provide ‘fuel’ for the following period.

ALSO SEE: Stomach Pains: Why Do I Get Stomach Pains After Eating?

3. Exhausted Organism

Skipping the meals slows your metabolism and makes you feel exhausted. Regular meals will help you boost your metabolism and burn more calories.

5. Altered Perception

This may come as a surprise to you, but skipping a single meal changes your perception of food. Your brain creates a picture that food is not your top priority at the moment, which is bad for your overall health.

6. Overeating

Overeating is the last and the most dangerous phase. At dinnertime, your body is so exhausted and hungry for calories, that you often eat too much food and overeat. Usually, this results in stomach aches and weight gain.

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