How To Remove Kidney Stones Naturally With Millet Recipe

Getting rid of kidney stones can be a painful procedure and slow if it is not as applicable. This treatment on the basis of millet is ideal to combat the inflammation and reduce the size of the grit, facilitating their expulsion.

Usually, the millet cereal is economic and easy to get. In addition to being super nutritious, food is a wonderful time to delete the stones housed in the kidneys. Even regular consumption, not only helps to alkalize the body but also maintains optimal kidney health. Getting rid of kidney stones and improving the functions of the entire system is possible with a simple home remedy.

How To Remove Kidney Stones Naturally With Millet Recipe

Today we show you how to perform a natural treatment very effectively if you want to clean the whole urinary tract. With millet and water, you can do wonders and expel that annoying grit without much pain.

How to remove kidney stones with millet

This remedy has been very popular over the years due to its effectiveness in treating urinary lithiasis (formation of small crystals of mineral salts housed in the kidneys or in the ureter), cleaning the bladder, curing infections, and cystitis in women.

In addition, the millet is a highly nutritious food that favors the functions of all the organs is extremely energizing, provides more protein than rice, contains no gluten, is easy digestion, helps to regenerate the intestinal flora, provides more fiber than other cereals, regulates blood sugar levels, provides satiety, iron, folate, phosphorus, magnesium, many antioxidants, B vitamins, and vitamin E

With this recipe, from Russian doctors, you can clean your kidneys, secrete increased mucus that encourages expulsion, remove grit and nourish the body.

Treatment of millet to eliminate kidney stones:

Before sleeping, wash very well 200gm of millet crude in tepid water. You can do it in a strainer to rinse properly.

Then, pour the 200gm of millet into a large jug. Fill it up with 2 liters of boiling water. Cover the container and shake it very well.

Heat a dry cloth in the microwave for 30 seconds and cover it with the whole jug. This will help to a heat loss more gradual.

Let stand overnight.

The next morning …

Shake the bottle very well again before the start of treatment to get rid of kidney stones.

Uncovers and you’ll see that formed a whitish fluid, opaque. Strained the preparation and get the liquid.

You must drink it throughout the day, the amount you want, at any time.

At night, you have swallowed all of the liquid and prepared more for the next day.

You need to repeat the procedure for 10 to 15 days.

Results: After 10 days you will start to eliminate kidney stones through the urine. The kidneys must be cleaned of crystals and mucus several. In turn, will decrease the inflammation, and kidney cells may regenerate and eat again.

Some tips:

Don’t throw the millet you use in these preparations. You can cook and prepare casseroles, and porridge for breakfast, enrich the oats, etc. 1 cup of millet in a kitchen in 3 cups of water for 15 minutes.

Incorporating millet into your daily diet will help you to prevent future kidney problems. In addition, it is an excellent food that promotes deep cleansing of the blood, urinary tract, and bowel.

If you consume the water of millet, along with lemon and olive oil, in addition, to eliminating kidney stones you can dissolve the stones in the gallbladder and thorough cleaning the liver

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