16 Powerful Health Benefits Of Consuming Star Fruits And Their Possible Side Effects

Star fruit can provide many health benefits and be an excellent addition to the diet. However, people with certain health issues may need to avoid it.

Having a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is essential for good health.

18 Powerful Health Benefits Of Consuming Star Fruits And Their Possible Side Effects

16 Powerful Health Benefits Of Consuming Star Fruits

In this article, we focus on star fruit, exploring its nutritional profile and health benefits, as well as the possible downsides of eating this tropical fruit.

1. Boosts The Immune System.

Star fruit has immune-boosting vitamin C which is why you should reach out for it during cold and flu season. Vitamin C also assists with collagen synthesis, a protein that keeps skin, hair, and nails healthy and strong. Also, it scavenges disease-causing free radicals and fights infections. (Excellent Natural Homemade Remedy To Boost Your Immune System)

2. Good Source Of Fiber.

Women for that matter need a lot of fiber and should consume about 25 grams of fiber a day, and star fruit can help meet that goal. A100g serves or gives 2.8 grams of fiber, while citrus fruit has 2.3. Star fruit also contains insoluble dietary fiber, which adds bulk to the digestive system and helps keep us regular.

3. Has Low Calories.

Star fruit is good for low-sugar eaters. A medium-sized star fruit provides a little more than six grams of carbohydrate and around 3.62 grams of sugar.

For those first embarking on a low-calorie ketogenic style diet, star-fruits are it. An average-sized portion has only 28 calories. So, don’t be shy about adding these sweet-n-sour delights the next time you have a salad or smoothie.

4. Combats Anemia.

According to the World Health Organization, anemia is prevalent among young children and pregnant women. Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia occurring when the body is low in iron. Iron is essential to synthesize red blood cells and to carry oxygen to all parts of the body to sustain the energy level as far as the cardiovascular system is concerned.

Medium-sized star fruit has only 0.08 mg of iron but its vitamin C plays a key role in boosting iron absorption. This leads to increased production of blood cells and helps ward off fatigue and lightheadedness, the classical symptoms of anemia.

5. Has An Inhibitory Effects On Microbes.

Star fruit contains phytochemicals such as flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, and steroids. It has anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties.

Compared to ripe or mature fruits, the green or unripe ones have higher inhibitory action against microbes.

Star fruit leaves work against both gram-positive and negative bacteria

Gram Positive

-Bacillus subtilis

–Streptococcus mutans

–Staphylococcus aureus,

Gram Negatives –Klebsiella pneumoniae

–Proteus vulgaris,

-Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

6. Combats Inflammation.

The fruit contains flavonoids such as quercetin, epicatechin, and gallic acid which can help prevent inflammation. With their antioxidant properties, these compounds neutralize harmful free radicals causing Inflammatory discomfort.

The vitamin C in star fruit is also anti-inflammatory and combat joint pain and reduces swelling in joints.

7. Boosts Sleeping.

The fruit is loaded with a lot of magnesium which is a sleep-promoting mineral. Magnesium does this by maintaining levels of GABA(gamma-Aminobutyric acid), an inhibitory neurotransmitter.

Another way star fruit induces sleep is by regulating metabolism.

8. Helps To Regulate The Digestive System.

The inner fleshy fruit and the waxy peel of star fruit provide both soluble and insoluble fiber to the body. Dietary fiber helps maintain bowel health and improves nutrient uptake and the bioavailability of minerals and vitamins. The nutritional content in Star fruit does not only feed the gut bacteria but nourishes the GI tract as well. Traditionally, the leaf's decoction is used to flush out inflammation-causing bacteria and toxins.

18 Powerful Health Benefits Of Consuming Star Fruits And Their Possible Side Effects

9. Supports The Body’s Metabolisms.

Star fruit is packed with high levels of pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), folate, and riboflavin, star fruit can influence the metabolic processes and make them a little more efficient.
It is important to note that the body depends on metabolisms to do everyday activities such as breathing thinking digestion and regulating temperature. Faulty metabolism is the real culprit behind many diseases.

The vitamins found in Star fruits play a very significant role ranging from nervous coordination and energy metabolism to circulation and cognitive control.

10. Promotes Weight Loss.

Star fruit is packed with very few calories per fruit, compared to other fruits, if one wants to cut down body fat it becomes a good option to take in Star fruits. Furthermore, it is full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can speed the metabolism, which would be a great help for the weight loss journey. (2 Healthy Drinks That Are More Powerful Than Lemon Water for Weight Loss)

11. Rehydrates The Body.

Meeting eight glasses of water per day seems like a daunting task on some days. But it’s still important to drink plenty of water, especially on hot, humid days, or post-workout. Depend on Star fruits to achieve this goal since it has 91.4% water by its weight.

12. Support The Cardiovascular System.

A study conducted by Jenita Doli Tine Donsu et al concluded that starfruit juice can be used as a complementary therapy to lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension.

The fruits have high potassium content (133 mg per 100 g serving) which is helpful in relaxing blood vessels and maintaining blood pressure.

In addition to vitamins A, B, and C, which help the metabolism of the body to be steady and strong, star fruit also has thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin in very small concentrations which is a good source of vitamin B9 (folic acid), which helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, and it also contains vitamin B5.

Dietary fiber prevents the absorption of LDL Cholesterol in the intestinal lining, reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and obesity.

13. Promotes A Healthy Skin.

Star fruit is beneficial for the skin due to the antioxidants available including Vitamin C, quercetin, gallic acid, and other polyphenolic flavonoids.
The antioxidants fight the effects of oxidative stress and neutralize free radicals before they damage the skin.

Vitamin C plays a role in collagen production, thus it can prevent or minimize the appearance of wrinkles, while also keeping the skin radiant and blemish-free as one age growing old.

14. Plays Vital Roles In Traditional Medicine.

Traditional folk medicine uses the whole star fruit tree for the following properties or effects -anti-inflammatory
In Brazilian folk medicine, it is used as a diuretic, an expectorant, and a cough suppressant.

The flowers of the sweet star fruit are good for treating coughs in children.

15. The star fruit is a literal one-stop medicine shop. 

It is used all over the world as a home remedy for the following purposes :
-sore throats.
It also effectively combats diabetes. The leaves of star fruit can be used to treat stomach ulcers, pus-filled skin inflammations, and boils.

16. Promotes Eye Health.

Star fruit helps reduce pain and irritation caused by sore eyes due to its remarkable magnesium content. Consumption of star fruit that is rich in Vitamin B6 enables one to get relief from puffy eyes as well as relax the optic nerves. The fruit’s anti-bacterial properties help reduce the cause of soreness in your eyes. (Top 10 Tips To Preserve Your Eyesight While Working With Computers and Phones)

16 Powerful Health Benefits Of Consuming Star Fruits And Their Possible Side Effects

Side Effects Of Star Fruits

Though star fruit doesn’t have serious side effects, one must be aware of the following side effects of consuming star fruit in excess.

1. It triggers allergies.

Though star fruit allergies are uncommon, first-timers are recommended to try a small amount to see how the body reacts.

2. It promotes toxicity.
People with kidney failure or chronic kidney disease should avoid star fruit because the kidney cannot filter out certain compounds in it. Hiccups, nausea, weakness, low back pain, and fever have been documented in a few cases.

3. Associated with kidney stones.
As mentioned earlier, people with kidney stones should completely avoid them. Starfruit contains 50000-95800 ppm of oxalic acid per 100 g serving. Being an anti-nutrient oxalic acid may interfere with nutrient absorption and mineral metabolism. Overdoing may even lead to oxaluria, a condition that leads to stone formation.

4. Drugs interaction.
Star fruit inhibits the enzyme CYP3A4, which is responsible for the metabolism of 50% of all drugs and medicines. Hence, one should avoid eating starfruit if on special prescription or medication.

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