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5 Best Ways To Get Rid of Pink Eye Fast Without Eye Drops

You have a good night's rest and wake up with bloodshot eyes. Your children's eyes are likewise red and puffy when you begin t...

DR. APPIAH 24 Sep, 2022 2

Homemade and Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids: External Hemorrhoids Treatment Without Surgery

Hemorrhoids are simple to cure at home when they are minor and in the early stages. Nowadays, many individuals prefer to use gentle ove...

DR. APPIAH 23 Sep, 2022

How and where to Keep Avocados Fresh for a Long Time in a Surprising Way

Avocados are a fantastic source of healthy raw fat that many people nowadays lack and that can really aid in weight loss. They contain r...

DR. APPIAH 22 Sep, 2022

The One Mistake Every Parent Makes When Feeding Children

Once, a widow with ten boys to feed was questioned about how she managed. She retorted, "I give them as much of what they want an...

DR. APPIAH 21 Sep, 2022

Baking soda: The Real Enemy of the Pharmaceutical Sector

Lemon and baking soda have a wide range of amazing health advantages, including cleansing the body, boosting immunity, avoiding cancer...

DR. APPIAH 20 Sep, 2022

Health Disadvantages of Ketchup: Why is Ketchup Bad for You?

Ketchup is not only unhealthy but may be quite dangerous to consume over time. Have you ever stopped to check the ingredients and the nutrit...

DR. APPIAH 19 Sep, 2022

9 All-Natural Substitutes for Ibuprofen: Strongest Herbal Pain Killers

In the current world, we live in, pain seems to be a constant. Even a basic tension headache, which is moderate, might interfere with y...

DR. APPIAH 18 Sep, 2022

These Are 6 Indications that Your Liver Needs to Be Detoxified

The liver serves as your body's first line of defense against poisons. It acts as a filter to keep harmful substances from entering...

DR. APPIAH 17 Sep, 2022

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