9 All-Natural Substitutes for Ibuprofen: Strongest Herbal Pain Killers

In the current world, we live in, pain seems to be a constant. Even a basic tension headache, which is moderate, might interfere with your everyday activities. When your brain is spinning, who can concentrate and finish that report or pay attention to your child's homework? Is that terrible news? Just because you have a headache doesn't mean that your work will wait till you feel better. Because of this, many people turn to NSAIDs like the well-known ibuprofen.

RELATED: 8 Foods That Are Natural Pain killers for Pain Relief

It's true that taking a few ibuprofen will make the pain go away rather quickly, but like with most medicines, every time you take these pills, your body suffers. It is well known that ibuprofen increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers. It also has been linked to other problems such as:
  • Anemia
  • Increased risk of dying from the flu
  • Genetic damage
  • High blood pressure
  • Miscarriage
  • Hearing loss

Those can be a pretty high price to pay for a couple of pills. But don’t worry, there are plenty of natural ways that you can get some much-needed pain relief directly from Mother Nature. 

9 All-Natural Substitutes for Ibuprofen: Strongest Herbal Pain Killers

9 All-Natural Substitutes for Ibuprofen: Strongest Herbal Pain Killers

Check out the top 10 completely natural alternatives to ibuprofen.

1. Ginger

Although this spice is often taken to stop nausea and vomiting, it also works great when it comes to pain relief. Ginger is both an analgesic and has some powerful anti-inflammatory compounds, as well as antioxidants that act to fight pain on a cellular level. Ginger works for everything from headaches to muscle aches, and menstrual cramps to joint pain. Try some ginger tea with honey rather than ibuprofen for your next headache.

2. Devil’s Claw

This herb from South Africa has been used in Europe for hundreds of years to fight inflammatory conditions such as muscle pain, joint pain, and arthritis. Studies show that this herb works as well as most over-the-counter pain relieving drugs. In fact, some people were able to lower their dose of NSAIDS or eliminate them completely once they started taking this African herb.


When DMSO is combined with Sweet Relief cream, it makes a powerful duo that is hard to beat. DMSO is a natural pain killer that was first synthesized back in 1866. This is a completely natural compound that comes from MSM and is taken internally or used externally. A DMSO-based cream is perfect for sore joints, overworked muscles, or sprained joints. When used in combination with capsaicin, the effectiveness appears to be even more powerful.

4. Cayenne Pepper

These spicy little veggies are one of Mother Nature’s most healing substances and are great at pain relief. The effective ingredient in cayenne pepper, capsaicin, stops the body from making Substance P, the neuropeptide that sends pain signals to your brain.

5. Cat’s Claw

This anti-inflammatory plant grows mainly in South America. It blocks the production of prostaglandin, which only furthers feelings of pain and increases inflammation. Taking between 250 and 1,000mgs one to three times per day will stop most pain but be careful as taking too high a dose can cause diarrhea.

how to use Cat’s Claw for pain
Cat’s Claw

6. Turmeric

Turmeric has become a popular “cure all” but it has actually been used for thousands of years. Turmeric works much the same way that cayenne pepper does as it stops substance P from reaching the brain and signaling pain. Turmeric is a super powerful anti-inflammatory, as well, so it works well for stopping arthritis and other types of joint pain. ( Health Benefits of Drinking Turmeric Water)

7. Boswellia

This anti-inflammatory comes from a tree that is native to India. It contains a type of acid called boswellic acid, which improves the blood flow to the joints. It also stops inflammatory white blood cells from entering damaged or weakened tissues. Sometimes called Indian Frankincense, you can find Boswellia as either a topical cream or in supplement form. One study showed that subjects who suffered from arthritis pain and who took 752mg of Boswellia extract every day for 30 days had as much as a 90 percent decrease in their pain levels.


8. Eugenol

Eugenol is a chemical that is found in cloves, nutmeg, bay leaf, basil, and cinnamon. Cloves are a common remedy to stop toothaches, but these can help with other types of pain as well. Eugenol inhibits the COX-2 enzyme, which is the enzyme that initiates the inflammation process. Taking essential oils that contain eugenol can naturally stop inflammation and pain. (Amazing Health Benefits Of Cloves)

9. Omega-3

Flax seed oil, cod liver, and chia are a very reliable defense against pain, especially for those with neck or back pain, and those suffering from arthritis. The omega-3 fatty acids that are found in these oils break down prostaglandin, which is a pro-inflammatory hormone. Studies have found that consuming omega-3s cut the amount of NSAID use by as much as 2/3rds for those who had neck or back pain and as much as 1/3rd for those suffering from arthritis pain.


Before you consume any herbal substance, you should always consult your doctor, especially if you are taking prescription medication. Although herbs are generally well tolerated by almost everyone, there are exceptions and some herbs can cause dangerous, even life-threatening interactions with some prescription drugs. Always consult your physician before you consume any herbs or supplements.

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