Top 10 Tips To Preserve Your Eyesight While Working With Computers and Phones

Top 10 Tips To Preserve Your Eyesight While Working With Computers and Phones

We come your way today with wonderful tips on how to protect your eyes from mobile and computers.
After working on a computer or browsing on your phone for too long, do your eyes become tired, dry, or strained? Then you’ve experienced what so many others have: eye strain. The past year has pushed many people to work or take classes from home, which leads to increased hours of screen time. Learning how to protect your eyes from computer screens can prevent you from feeling the discomfort of eye strain.

What is an Eye Strain?

Eye strain is a condition that is commonly associated with driving long distances or staring at computer screens and other digital devices. It usually occurs when your eyes get tired from intense use, and it will usually subside on its own. For the most part, a digital eye strain is more annoying than painful. However, in some cases, eye strain can be a sign of an underlying eye condition that may require treatment.

How Do Screens Affect Your Eyes?

In the digital age, technology has helped us accomplish more. But after hours of looking at screens, your eyes may become watery, dry, sore, or itchy. That’s because the light, specifically blue light, emitted off your computer or phone’s screen can put a strain on your eyes. Some long-term studies have shown that it can damage your retinal cells, which may lead to age-related macular degeneration. Until more research is conducted, most experts don’t believe that screens cause permanent damage to your vision. Digital eye strain headaches are a common symptom of eye strains from excessive screen time.

How to Protect Your Eyes from Computer and Phone Screen

To avoid eye fatigue and possible vision problems, the following rules should be followed:

1. Comfortable lighting. It is better to equip the workplace to the left or right of the window so that the daylight falls on the monitor from the side.

2. Artificial lighting should be even and sufficient.

3. The monitor should be 50-60 cm away from your eyes.

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4. It is better to tilt the monitor so that the lower part is closer to you than the upper part. This will make the tilt level of the visual axis optimal.

5. Position the screen so that your eyes are flush with its top edge.

how to protect eyes from mobile and computer

6. Keep the screen clean by wiping it free of dust and dirt without leaving streaks.

7. Drink more water and remember to blink to keep your eyes moist, and prevent dryness and "sand" in your eyes.

8. Regularly do eye exercises every 1-2 hours during the workday.

9. Exercise allows you to relax and train your eye muscles.

10. Follow the 20-20-20 rule. One of the best ways to take the strain 
off your eyes is quite simple: look away from the screen. The 20-20-20 rule is an easy way to fit this into your daily routine: every 20 minutes, direct your gaze towards something that’s at least 20 feet away from you, for 20 seconds. This forces your eyes to move from short-to-long distance perception, giving them a much-needed moment of rest.

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