5 Health Risks of Microwaves: How Safe Is Your Microwave?

5 Health Risks of Microwaves: How Safe Is Your Microwave?

The microwave oven is arguably the most important piece of equipment in a modern kitchen and the one that no home can live without. If you want to consume veggies but don't want to deal with the effort of preparing them, you can simply thaw out that frozen entrée that is vegetable-based and it will be ready in no time.

It would be wise for you to be informed of the potential health risks of using the microwave before you microwave some popcorn, a veggie turnover, or a quiche.

Health Risks of Microwaves: How Safe Is Your Microwave?

The following list of 5 microwave health risks should be noted:

1. It Takes Away the Food’s Nutrients

Popping food in the microwave can take away the food’s nutrients. That nutritious cold meal would turn into ‘dead food’ because of the microwaves’ dielectric heating.

Water molecules rapidly rotate in the food and in the microwave at high frequencies, creating molecular friction to heat up the food, and leading to the food’s molecular structure changing. Such rapid molecular movement diminishes the nutrient content.

2. It Destroys Vitamin B-12 and Breast Milk

Once microwave-heated, vitamin B-12’s health benefits are negated instantly. In a Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry study, researchers studied microwave heating’s effects on vitamin B-12 loss in foods like milk, pork, and beef. The results indicated that there was a 30% to 40% loss of the vitamin.

During heating, breast milk’s powerful bacteria-fighting agents are also destroyed. Findings in the Pediatrics journal examined the practice of heating frozen human milk in intensive care nurseries. Twenty-two milk samples were tested for antibodies and lysozyme activity by heating them for 30 seconds.

At high temperatures, the breast milk was determined to have more E. coli growth, which is 18 times more than the non-microwaved milk. Low-temperature microwaving also decreased lysozyme activity and also allowed the growth of bad bacteria in babies.

3. It Can Change the Blood Composition

In a clinical study by the Swiss, researchers determined that blood changes in people who consumed microwaved vegetables and milk. The participants ate food prepared in various ways, including the microwave way.

The study’s results showed that red blood cells decreased while white blood cells increased, together with the cholesterol levels. The microwave’s non-ionizing radiation can lead to changes in your heart rate and blood makeup.

READ ALSO: 9 Cooking Methods that Make Your Food to be Toxic

4. It Can Create Carcinogens in Food

Microwaveable foods are determined to have toxic chemicals like xylene, toluene, benzene, PET (polyethylene terpthalate), or BPA. The plastic containers that go in the microwave oven have been determined to release carcinogens and other toxic substances, which are absorbed in the food and eventually by the human body.

5. It Can Change Your Heart Rate

Because of the 2.4 GHz radiation, microwaves can instantaneously affect your body. Trent University’s Dr. Magda Havas’ study found that microwave-emitted radiation affects both heart rate variability and heart rate.

While such levels are still acceptable, they tend to cause rapid heart rate changes. If you regularly eat microwave food and feel any chest pain or experience irregular heart, it is wise for you to stop using the microwave.

The microwave health dangers mentioned above can help you to determine whether or not you want to continue using your microwave oven or buy one if you don’t have it already in your kitchen.

We don’t have a microwave in our kitchen and don’t miss it at all. If you have one use it only when absolutely necessary, like to quickly reheat leftovers, instead of relying on it for your daily cooking. If you don’t use it too often radiation and exposure will be minimal so you have nothing to worry about.

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous November 24, 2022 at 8:59 AM

    Why can't they stopped producing them??

    • DR. APPIAH
      DR. APPIAH November 24, 2022 at 9:20 AM

      Hmmmm. Big question

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