10 Foods that Reduce Cholesterol and Lower Your Risk of Heart Attack

Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the United States and many other developed and developing nations alike. The majority of medical professionals think that this is caused by a mix of poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyles, stress, and the fact that almost two-thirds of the population in this country is regarded as overweight or obese.

10 Foods that Reduce Cholesterol and Lower Your Risk of Heart Attack

However, a healthy lifestyle combining a good diet with regular exercise, stress management, and weight loss can help reverse the course of heart disease and lower the chances of heart attacks and strokes. Foods that can help, for instance, to reduce cholesterol (a major heart disease risk factor) are important to include in the diet. Ten of these foods are discussed below.

READ MORE:Understanding Cholesterol Numbers and Their Effects


1. Kale

This leafy green veg helps lower cholesterol in a number of ways. It is rich in the antioxidant lutein, which lowers LDL cholesterol levels and prevents plaque formation in the arteries. It is also high in fiber, which acts as a natural scrubber for the arteries to keep them open.

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal, like kale, is incredibly high in fiber. This is important because fiber has been shown to be able to keep the arteries clean, soaking up excess cholesterol and removing it from the body before it can form a plaque.

3. Apples

Apples are great for heart health as they are rich in fiber but also contain polyphenols. Polyphenols are plant-based compounds that help to lower cholesterol levels and support overall cardiac health.

4. Garlic

Garlic has long been valued for its cardio-protective properties: its main active compound, allicin, has been shown to lower bad LDL cholesterol levels while raising good HDL levels and improving overall cholesterol ratios.

5. Dark Chocolate

Perhaps one of the most delicious ways to help improve cholesterol is to eat moderate amounts of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate contains a compound called procyanidin, which has been proven to help lower high cholesterol levels.

6. Spinach


This leafy green vegetable has high amounts of fiber in it and, like kale, contains a generous amount of lutein which, as previously stated, has been linked to lower LDL cholesterol levels.

ALSO:Top 10 Foods That Generate High Cholesterol in the Human Body

7. Avocados

Avocados are an incredibly rich source of oleic acid, a kind of monounsaturated fat that has been linked to higher levels of good HDL cholesterol as well as to improved overall cardiac health and function.

8. Green Tea

The flavonoids in green tea which make it so good for the immune system also help to make this a very heart-healthy beverage. It can also help with weight loss and that, too, is important for lowering cholesterol.

SEE MORE:18 Good Reasons Why You Should Drink Green Tea

9. Blueberries

Blueberries contain a compound called pterostilbene; the compound has been shown to speed up the body’s metabolism of cholesterol, thus lowering LDL cholesterol levels.

10. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of the healthiest foods for the heart due to the presence of lycopene. Lycopene is an incredibly potent antioxidant that lowers triglyceride and cholesterol levels and keeps plaque from forming in the arteries.

Heart illness can be fatal. The start of major heart problems can be avoided naturally and effectively by eating a diet high in any or all of the items mentioned above.

RELATED: 26 Proven Foods That Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels Naturally

Sources: health.com , bembu.com , bhg.com


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